Projects for the Harvest
Your donation will go to where the need is greatest at the time, as well as enabling Jesus for Asia to continue to provide support for all its projects. By giving to "Where Needed Most," you make sure no project gets left behind.
A civil war is happening in the Indian state of Manipur. This project is to help fund medical supplies and the relief efforts of our Bible Worker in the middle of it all.
Jesus for Asia has outgrown its current office space and is building a brand new center for training, recording television programs, and expanding the workforce to fulfill the vision of Matthew 24:14.
Bible Workers are one of the most cost effective ways to truly grow the Kingdom of God. They are the voice, the face, the presence of the word of God, going door to door, meeting people, praying for them, teaching them the Bible, healthy living and Jesus.
There are some countries in the world that are not open to the Gospel and yet people live there that are hungry and searching for something better. There are a few believers that sense God’s calling to reach these people.
Bible Workers are invaluable in reaching the many thousands of towns and villages across India. Being able to speak the language and already understanding the culture, these dedicated workers meet the people on their level.
Bible Workers are one of the most cost effective ways to truly grow the Kingdom of God. They are the voice, the face, the presence of the word of God, going door to door, meeting people, praying for them, teaching them…
Malaysia is a difficult country due to anti-conversion laws. Still, there are a handful of dedicated believers willing to try new methods to bring the light of the Gospel within reach of God’s children.
Bible Workers are invaluable in reaching the many thousands of towns and villages across The Philippines. You can fully sponsor the wage of a Bible Worker in the Philippines for only $150/month!
Cambodia is home to over 16 million people, less than 2% are Christian and the Adventist Church has about 3,000 active church members. There is great need for Bible workers.
Bible Workers are invaluable in reaching the many thousands of towns and villages across Thailand. You can fully sponsor the wage of a Bible Worker in Thailand for only $240/month!
With over 17,000 islands and 1,340 ethnic groups, National Bible workers are desperately needed in Indonesia. They are the “Ground Force” to compliment our “Air Force” of the Satellite Television.
Now that countries are opening up and COVID restrictions are lifting, our evening schools are back to normal operation. We have been blessed to open more schools in the spring of 2022. We now have 42 JFA evening schools, and we have a waiting list for more schools to open…
The Nortons moved to a place where there were no Adventists… no church, no missionary, no presence. Now there is a church plant, a children’s home, outreach to the poor, and a beachhead for the Holy Spirit.
The Norton family has been working in the previously un-entered city of Sukhothai, in north central Thailand.
God has expanded our media team’s work so much that they are already outgrowing their new office. We are building a second building on the LFA Campus to hold an audio recording room, more offices, and additional storage.
Satellite is the best way to cover all 17,508 islands in the national language of Bahasa, which people in Malaysia can also understand. And it only costs $10/hour to operate!
Airplanes are the best way to make the small Gospel workforce effective in covering and managing the work in large areas covered in mountains and forests.
Matthew and Rachel Leffler and their three children will be moving to Nakhon Sawan and working alongside Jonathan and Hannah Hill to expand the foothold they have gained for the Lord in this city.
In rural farming communities in Bangladesh, children as young as ten often help their parents work in the fields to help support their families. Many of these kids have few education opportunities, and few have enough to eat every day. Jesus for Asia opened a day school in Bangladesh to help kids in one of these communities and share Jesus with them.
Many of our Bible Workers have a strong heart for Jesus and a desire to serve Him but need Bible training. With so few pastors in the work force compared to the number of people that need nurturing these simple but wonderful workers are often…
In the mountains of Manipur, Northeast India, lies a school that has been supported by three local SDA churches for several decades. We are working with 3ACM ministries and Dennis and Judy Skandunas to rebuild this school, especially for our Adventist young…
Thailand is a least-reached country, with very few spiritual resources available to the believer. No Thai Adventist TV channels, and very few Ellen White books in Thai. In fact, in 2011, there were no EGW books available in country in Thai…
Pangandaran is a city and province in the south-central region of the island of Java, Indonesia where there were no representatives of the 3 Angels’ messages. Now there is a retired couple practicing friendship evangelism and prayer.
Ric and Jane, with their 4 children, are getting ready to launch to Southeast Asia with the vision of entering a city and province in which there is currently no Adventist presence, no believer, no missionary, no church.
Community mural paintings and health expos utilizing young people in in countries that restrict Christian outreach.
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.
Many of our Bible workers, especially in the North, find transportation extremely difficult due to the high cost and irregular public transportation in the rural districts. Each bicycle costs approximately $100.
This building is in such bad repair that the city of Mumbai condemned it and closed it for public use ten years ago.
The slums of Mumbai are the largest in Asia and we have had several Bible Workers working there for a number…
Very few Bible workers, and even pastors, in India and other countries have any Spirit of Prophecy books to read for themselves and share with their church members, so they are missing out on a lot of spiritual…
Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, with only 3,000 active SDA’s in a country of 18,000,000 people. The average tithe from the members is $35 per year. They are in desperate need of an educational upgrade.
We need to send our future teachers to the Philippines to get a Christ-centered education.
Lloyd and Natalie Howell, with their younger daughter Alysa, have been working with the Cambodia Adventist Mission to build a primary school and boarding academy, which are desperate needs for the fledgling Cambodian Adventist Church. They are also helping to train teachers who will work at the academy when it is finished.
One of the most effective long term mission strategies is to invest in the Adventist education of our young people, many of whom are first generation into the church and have no Adventist background. An Adventist education will give them that daily…
FaithCamp is where the Great Commission is embraced, and encouraged. It is where you can hear the experiences of missionaries and mission advocates, and get inspired to be involved in God’s work; a launching pad. There have been more than 25…
MissionTV is a 24/7 streaming channel dedicated to inspire you to get involved in mission service. With shows from Jesus For Asia, ASAP, and many more, you can hear exciting stories from the front lines, as well as testimonies from the missionaries, and much more!
Jim and Irene Hill moved to Bangkok in Feb 2019. Recently the Thailand Adventist Mission (TAM) has asked Jim to start an agriculture program to produce food and develop a student work program for Mae Laklo Christian School on the western border.
Mike and Marilee Kier have been church planting in Ayuthaya, Thailand for over a decade. They have seen people transformed by God's amazing grace and are praying for more.
Specializing in total health lifestyle education, this is for projects in Thailand that Mike and Marilee Kier are assisting in.
GoBeDo is training Bible workers to share the truth about Jesus in the mountainous villages of the Philippine island of Mindanao. They have also developed a mission outpost and built a radio station that broadcasts…
This project is working to bring a knowledge of health and healthy living to a people group who have very little access to this kind of life giving information.
This is a home where poor kids from the mountains can stay and go to school. There are currently 23 children in total, 11 male and 12 female, with 4 adult caretakers. Some children are of the Lahu tribe and some are of the Akha tribe. They are from poor families…
Gifts to this fund will be used for flood or typhoon relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects as the need arises.
There is a people group deep in the mountains of Mindoro, an island in the Philippines, that live in deep fear and superstition that keeps them from education and proper nutrition. Our team of missionaries are winning hearts through educating…
Churches are powerful evangelistic tools. In Asia, if we don’t have a church building, the new believers will give up and scatter. The building helps establish the work.
This is a city in Thailand that has no adventist presence, no church, no missionary, no believer. Jonathan and Hannah Hill are moving there to be a foothold for the Lord. This fund is to help them start something.
This is to renovate an existing space for a congregation to meet as a church in downtown Kuala Lumpur.
Bob is starting a project in Central Asia by serving in a new ESL Project and at a Seminary as an English teacher.
We have found land near our original JFA Evening school that we can use to build our office, guest house, home for our director, evening school, widow sewing school, and EGW Library.
Japan is one of the least reached countries in the world, with about 1% Christian of any denomination. Currently there are only 60 SDA pastors (20 of them are foreigners) in the whole country of about 120 million people. Japan is suffering from loneliness and depression, ills that Christ can heal through prayers and personal contact.
Jason Raney will be going to Cambodia to help build the campus for the Cambodia Adventist Academy as well as helping other projects and providing evangelistic seminars in various countries.
Timor Leste is one of the world’s newest countries – gaining independence from Indonesia in 2002. In the wake of independence, about 1/4 of the people were killed. The president of the Adventist church there, Pastor Chris Anderson, has a vision to uplift this…
Charlene is teaching at the school at SALT Ministries, Wat Preah Yesu, Butterfly Paradise with Tim and Wendy Maddocks.
Our goal at Jesus For Asia is to reach the unreached, and so many groups of people have not even heard the name of Jesus. The purpose for this fund is to create a pool of resources to that will enable the people…
SALT Ministries is an incarnational, faith-based ministry located outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia. They run an orphanage with over 100 kids, a K-12 school and a television studio. Recently they have been working on opening…
Wat Preah Yesu (Tim and Wendy Maddocks) is located in one of the most touristed spots in Asia. God gave Tim a vision to build a Butterfly aviary to be a compelling witness to the tourists that come from many countries all around the world.
We have a dream of several small “Lifestyle Community Centers” in every large city in India. These centers will be places where people can come to mingle and learn, to be inspired and discipled for Jesus. Another mission project is to train “Lifestyle Coaches”…
Gayle Haberkam is a missionary nurse in the jungles of Thailand. Although she originally planned to stay in Thailand for three months, she fell in love with the Karen people and has served them there ever since. As Gayle cares for the people’s physical needs, she teaches them about the One who can fulfill their spiritual needs.
Leroy and Lisa Sharon are missionaries to Thailand. Lisa is currently raising two young girls for the Lord. This focus has turned out to be the best witness to the local village which has never seen a Christian before. Leroy is traveling to local villages and schools and…
Jason and Shoshana Sharon have been working in the mountain jungles of northwestern Thailand for many years. He is the one that had the accident with the small rototiller that laid him up in the hospital.
One of the greatest needs in sharing the gospel is training our workers into deeper understanding of present truth and developing an Adventist healthy lifestyle. Armani* and Ariana* are gifted trainers with a well-developed systematic curriculum…
Projectors are a huge advantage in sharing the Gospel. Especially in places where they have no television (yes, there are still places like that). We get many requests for this tool for holding evangelistic series and…
As Asia seems distant to most people in Christian countries, Jonathan and Hannah want to share the needs and experiences of missions through videos so that more can know what is happening and also see the needs…
Even though the church in the Philippines is well established and growing, there are hundreds of millions of people that still haven’t heard the 3 Angels message. Media is the cheapest, most effective way to spread the word.
Give the gift of Life by providing water to needy villages in Asia! Many villages in India suffer from an extreme lack of water. These villages are not close to any natural sources of fresh water or these sources are not fit to drink and so they must rely on the government…
Audio Bibles are a major blessing for the blind and illiterate! We have seen people cry after receiving one. Spread the Gospel through audio Bibles today!
There are many needs on the border between Thailand and Burma – many internally displaced persons. The “Border Light” project, with Harvey and Brenda Steck, is working to alleviate these needs through humanitarian and Gospel projects.
There are many opportunities in the hills and valleys of Thailand and Myanmar. Many are looking wistfully to heaven for hope and meaning. Harvey and Brenda are working at the LFA studios overseeing video and print media development in the local languages.
The Institute of East Asia Training, with Eugene and Heidi Prewitt, serves budding missionaries from the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore and Malaysia. These young people are trained in the arts of winning hearts…
This will be the site of the expansion of the Zamboanga City Adventist School, which is filled to overflowing. It is also a very fertile ground for soul-winning due to the fact that it is a very popular place…
There are over 40 million widows in India and they are often forced to beg or sell themselves to make a living because they are uneducated and can’t get a job. Our Widows’ Sewing School is changing that, one woman at a time!
Rob and Julie Peterson, with their son Josiah, are preparing to move to Siem Reap, Cambodia to start a lifestyle center in the beautiful countryside outside of town.
Rosa will be helping Tim and Wendy Maddocks at War Preah Yesu in Siem Reap Cambodia.
24/7 United Prayer is a ministry engendering a global prayer initiative that seeks to promote revival. Brothers and sisters from around the world are daily uniting in prayer via Zoom.
India Day Schools have great capacity to witness for Christ every day all day long.
Johnny* and Jochebed* live in a country in southern Asia training children and youth as missionaries and spiritual leaders to their own people. They work alongside local church leadership to develop systems of child evangelism and spiritual training…
The Institute of East Asia Training Extension equips and develops self-supporting missionaries for South East Asian countries. Here they are trained to reach people, through teaching, preaching and holistic healing.
Help students in Bangladesh continue their Adventist Education. Our school in Bangladesh is only able to offer classes through fifth grade. Some fifth-grade students at the school have expressed a desire to continue going to a school
When you “Invest in Jesus for Asia,” you support the many projects listed here, and also allow us to move into new strategic projects as the opportunities present themselves. Giving here lets us continue to honor..