Aviation in Indonesia

Indonesia is a collection of islands. 17,508 islands to be exact. Even that is an estimate. The Indonesian government is currently deciding if they should change the official number of islands to something over 18,000!

Wikipedia estimates that there are approximate 1,300 tribes in Indonesia. Our church has strong presence in 2 or 3 of those tribes. The vast majority live in tribes that are very much “unreached.”

With that many islands and tribes, and with many of the roads still underdeveloped, traveling to most places in Indonesia remains very difficult and time consuming. The best way to grow a workforce of pioneering Bible workers in unreached territories is by private airplane.

In 2020 the Lord provided us with the funds to purchase a small aircraft that will allow us to start developing this program. It is a long slow process but will make a tremendous impact in the future in God’s work in reaching all of Indonesia.

Aviation in Indonesia

Satellite Television over Indonesia


Something Better for the Central Thai - Leffler