Where Needed Most
Your gift goes to where the need is most urgent.

National Bible Workers
Local Bible Workers are eager to go to
villages in Asia needing to know God’s love.
Sponsor a Bible Worker Today!!

We have been led to establish several
different types of schools to meet
the localities’ specific needs.

Jesus For Asia has missionaries in
Thailand, Cambodia, India, Philippines,
Indonesia, Malaysia and unnamed
”sensitive” countries.

Television Outreach
If Bible Workers are the Ground Force of
the Gospel, Television is the Air Force. It reaches
into places that people can not go.

City Work

Church building.
There are many new groups of believers that are too poor to afford a church, and yet a building can be such a place of nurture and growth for a congregation.

Humanitarian Projects
From feeding starving children to teaching widows how to sew so they can have a livelihood that supports them and their children, this is a way to show that Jesus cares for the whole person.

Projects by Country
Interested in a specific country?