Cambodia Teacher Training

We are building a high quality boarding academy in Cambodia.

However, there is no one qualified to be the teachers in this school. And the colleges in Cambodia do not allow for Sabbath observance. So the best option seems to be to send them to the Philippines, to Mountain View College where the SULADS are based out of with a strong mission mindset.

The first year will cost $6,000 for a year’s tuition, books, deposit, and travel. The years following that will be about $4,000. We are planning to send 12 students.

We’ve sponsored them through 2 years of college education and they’ve had to fight for the Sabbath nearly every weekend along with constant disruptions from covid and low educational standards. Sometimes the teachers don’t bother to show up to class and there’s no definite time published when each semester starts or ends.

They’re excited about going to Mountain View College if the Lord opens the door!

From left to right: Ankas, Samphy, Kimhun, Saka, Raksmey, Chandy, Sara, Soken


18% Funded$9,490.86 Raised

Cambodia Teacher Training

Cambodia Boarding Academy


Cambodia Boarding Academy - Howell