Our Mission

Jesus for Asia exists for one purpose: to see as many people as possible accept eternal life before it’s too late. We do this by going to the least reached section of the planet and by calling the church to re-engage its mission. In other words, we do mission and we advocate for missions. All for the sake of the joy that is set before us!

How we started

Jesus for Asia began as a desire to serve the Lord full time in Jon and Natalie Wood’s hearts. They prayed for several years, especially the last 6 months of 2004. Jon’s prayer was “Lord, I want to work for you full time. But I want my job description to come from you, not me. And even more than my desire to work for you, I want to be in the dead center of your will.”

That December, 2004, Jon was on a trip through Thailand and India with some students from the college he was teaching at when the big Tsunami that killed 250,000 people struck. It was a sobering time as Jon was able to film the survivors on a beach where many had perished. It was at that time that the Lord began to raise up a movement that was to become Jesus for Asia. When Jon came home, his students edited the video and showed it in church that weekend, raising $6,000 for disaster relief through ADRA. Jon then uploaded the video to the internet and the following week someone donated $2,000 toward ministry on the beach where Jon had been. With those funds, rice was given to families hard hit by the disaster, meetings were held and 35 people were baptized. Also, several Bible Workers were hired and it was these workers that formed the beginning of what has become Jesus for Asia.

Soon more Bible workers were hired and Jon and Natalie began to sense the Lord calling them into this ministry full time. They had no home equity, no money in the bank, but they believed that “when God calls, He provides.” So they tendered their resignation to Pacific Union College and stepped out by faith. So, in June of 2005, they moved out of their rented mobile home in Angwin, California, and hauled everything up to Idaho into a house they rented from Jon’s parents on their amazing country property where they could raise their two children.

In July of 2005 the ministry was incorporated (as Jesus for India) and in August became ASI members.

In January of 2007 they felt the call to expand the work to Thailand and Cambodia and so changed the name to Jesus for Asia.

In 2010, Jon and Natalie felt the call to move again. This time to Tennessee where a TV studio was being underused. There they started MissionTV.

In 2015 the Lord moved them to their current house/office/studio in Collegedale, TN.

Jon, Natalie and the whole team at Jesus for Asia are amazed at what God has done and are humbled by His ability to use the least promising of all His people. They can often be heard to say “If He can use us, He can use anybody.”


Some of Our Projects




Bangkok Outreach



GoBeDo Missions

GoBeDo Missions




Thailand Television



Where needed most

Where needed most



Meet the Team



Jesus for Asia is a faith-based Christian ministry that fully supports the spiritual mission of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church, but is an independent supporting ministry that is not part of, controlled by, legally affiliated with, or endorsed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland or any of its affiliates known as the Seventh-day Adventist® Church.  Thus, any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by Jesus for Asia are solely those of Jesus for Asia, Inc. and not those of the General Conference or the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. We do not knowingly accept tithe funds from Seventh-day Adventist members, just willing offerings.