Thailand TV Studio

Less than 1% of Thailand's population of over 65 million is Christian. This makes the sharing of the Gospel there a huge task! Our Love for Asia team has stepped up to the plate to seek to do what they can to help the Gospel spread throughout the country through TV ministry.

As time went on and God’s mission for the team expanded, they outgrew their rented office and needed a TV studio where they could film interviews and sermons on relevant end-time topics based on the Three Angels’ Messages. In 2021, God abundantly blessed them with not just a new studio but space for LFA’s translation department as well. (See Jesus For Asia Now e117 LFA Part 2.) This also became the official location of our Love for Asia Foundation in Thailand. By God’s grace, this ministry continues to expand quickly. 

Because of how God is expanding this ministry, we have discovered a need for even more space. God provided the funds to put a down payment on the land next door to the new office and studio to build a second building on the LFA campus. 

Funds for this project will go towards the office expansion, which will include an audio recording room, more offices, and additional storage.


93% Funded$112,400.13 Raised

Thailand TV Studio

ESL Projects - Bob Clayton


Pangandaran Outreach