Pangandaran Outreach
Pangandaran is a city and province in the south-central region of the island of Java, Indonesia where there were no representatives of the 3 Angels’ messages. Now there is a retired couple practicing friendship evangelism and prayer.

Kantharalak Project - España
Ric and Jane, with their 4 children, are getting ready to launch to Southeast Asia with the vision of entering a city and province in which there is currently no Adventist presence, no believer, no missionary, no church.

Community Art + Health Projects in Sensitive Countries
Community mural paintings and health expos utilizing young people in in countries that restrict Christian outreach.

Light Asia Publishing - Rogers
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.

Bicycles for Bible Workers
Many of our Bible workers, especially in the North, find transportation extremely difficult due to the high cost and irregular public transportation in the rural districts. Each bicycle costs approximately $100.

Chembur and Ghatkopar Churches - Mumbai
This building is in such bad repair that the city of Mumbai condemned it and closed it for public use ten years ago.

Sathe Nagar Slum Church - Mumbai
The slums of Mumbai are the largest in Asia and we have had several Bible Workers working there for a number…

Literature for Bible Workers
Very few Bible workers, and even pastors, in India and other countries have any Spirit of Prophecy books to read for themselves and share with their church members, so they are missing out on a lot of spiritual…

Cambodia Boarding Academy
Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, with only 3,000 active SDA’s in a country of 18,000,000 people. The average tithe from the members is $35 per year. They are in desperate need of an educational upgrade.

Cambodia Teacher Training
We need to send our future teachers to the Philippines to get a Christ-centered education.

Cambodia Boarding Academy - Howell
Lloyd and Natalie Howell, with their younger daughter Alysa, have been working with the Cambodia Adventist Mission to build a primary school and boarding academy, which are desperate needs for the fledgling Cambodian Adventist Church. They are also helping to train teachers who will work at the academy when it is finished.

Worthy Student Fund
One of the most effective long term mission strategies is to invest in the Adventist education of our young people, many of whom are first generation into the church and have no Adventist background. An Adventist education will give them that daily…

Sowing in Thailand - Hill
Jim and Irene Hill moved to Bangkok in Feb 2019. Recently the Thailand Adventist Mission (TAM) has asked Jim to start an agriculture program to produce food and develop a student work program for Mae Laklo Christian School on the western border.

Volunteer Ministry International - Kier
Mike and Marilee Kier have been church planting in Ayuthaya, Thailand for over a decade. They have seen people transformed by God's amazing grace and are praying for more.

Assisted Wellness for Thailand
Specializing in total health lifestyle education, this is for projects in Thailand that Mike and Marilee Kier are assisting in.

GoBeDo Missions - Cordes
GoBeDo is training Bible workers to share the truth about Jesus in the mountainous villages of the Philippine island of Mindanao. They have also developed a mission outpost and built a radio station that broadcasts…

Health and Life
This project is working to bring a knowledge of health and healthy living to a people group who have very little access to this kind of life giving information.

Phrao Thawikhun Home
This is a home where poor kids from the mountains can stay and go to school. There are currently 23 children in total, 11 male and 12 female, with 4 adult caretakers. Some children are of the Lahu tribe and some are of the Akha tribe. They are from poor families…