National Bible Workers
Bible Workers are one of the most cost effective ways to truly grow the Kingdom of God. They are the voice, the face, the presence of the word of God, going door to door, meeting people, praying for them, teaching them the Bible, healthy living and Jesus.

Bible Workers: Thailand
Bible Workers are invaluable in reaching the many thousands of towns and villages across Thailand. You can fully sponsor the wage of a Bible Worker in Thailand for only $240/month!

Sukhothai Project - Nortons
The Nortons moved to a place where there were no Adventists… no church, no missionary, no presence. Now there is a church plant, a children’s home, outreach to the poor, and a beachhead for the Holy Spirit.

Sukhothai Children’s Home Property
The Norton family has been working in the previously un-entered city of Sukhothai, in north central Thailand.

Thailand TV Studio
God has expanded our media team’s work so much that they are already outgrowing their new office. We are building a second building on the LFA Campus to hold an audio recording room, more offices, and additional storage.

Kantharalak Project - España
Ric and Jane, with their 4 children, are getting ready to launch to Southeast Asia with the vision of entering a city and province in which there is currently no Adventist presence, no believer, no missionary, no church.

Something Better for the Central Thai - Leffler
Matthew and Rachel Leffler and their three children will be moving to Nakhon Sawan and working alongside Jonathan and Hannah Hill to expand the foothold they have gained for the Lord in this city.

Bible Worker Training
Many of our Bible Workers have a strong heart for Jesus and a desire to serve Him but need Bible training. With so few pastors in the work force compared to the number of people that need nurturing these simple but wonderful workers are often…

Thai Media Outreach
Thailand is a least-reached country, with very few spiritual resources available to the believer. No Thai Adventist TV channels, and very few Ellen White books in Thai. In fact, in 2011, there were no EGW books available in country in Thai…

“Love for Asia” Foundation - Thailand
Love for Asia Foundation is Jesus for Asia’s organizational presence in Thailand that provides the legal means for our missionaries to stay and work in the country.

Light Asia Publishing - Rogers
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.

Worthy Student Fund
One of the most effective long term mission strategies is to invest in the Adventist education of our young people, many of whom are first generation into the church and have no Adventist background. An Adventist education will give them that daily…

Sowing in Thailand - Hill
Jim and Irene Hill moved to Bangkok in Feb 2019. Recently the Thailand Adventist Mission (TAM) has asked Jim to start an agriculture program to produce food and develop a student work program for Mae Laklo Christian School on the western border.

Volunteer Ministry International - Kier
Mike and Marilee Kier have been church planting in Ayuthaya, Thailand for over a decade. They have seen people transformed by God's amazing grace and are praying for more.

Assisted Wellness for Thailand
Specializing in total health lifestyle education, this is for projects in Thailand that Mike and Marilee Kier are assisting in.

Phrao Thawikhun Home
This is a home where poor kids from the mountains can stay and go to school. There are currently 23 children in total, 11 male and 12 female, with 4 adult caretakers. Some children are of the Lahu tribe and some are of the Akha tribe. They are from poor families…

Gifts to this fund will be used for flood or typhoon relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects as the need arises.

Gayle’s Jungle Mission
Gayle Haberkam is a missionary nurse in the jungles of Thailand. Although she originally planned to stay in Thailand for three months, she fell in love with the Karen people and has served them there ever since. As Gayle cares for the people’s physical needs, she teaches them about the One who can fulfill their spiritual needs.

Sharon Family Projects
Leroy and Lisa Sharon are missionaries to Thailand. Lisa is currently raising two young girls for the Lord. This focus has turned out to be the best witness to the local village which has never seen a Christian before. Leroy is traveling to local villages and schools and…

Jungle Village Outreach
Jason and Shoshana Sharon have been working in the mountain jungles of northwestern Thailand for many years. He is the one that had the accident with the small rototiller that laid him up in the hospital.