Thailand TV Studio
God has expanded our media team’s work so much that they are already outgrowing their new office. We are building a second building on the LFA Campus to hold an audio recording room, more offices, and additional storage.

Satellite Television over Indonesia
Satellite is the best way to cover all 17,508 islands in the national language of Bahasa, which people in Malaysia can also understand. And it only costs $10/hour to operate!
Aviation in Indonesia
Airplanes are the best way to make the small Gospel workforce effective in covering and managing the work in large areas covered in mountains and forests.

Thai Media Outreach
Thailand is a least-reached country, with very few spiritual resources available to the believer. No Thai Adventist TV channels, and very few Ellen White books in Thai. In fact, in 2011, there were no EGW books available in country in Thai…

“Love for Asia” Foundation - Thailand
Love for Asia Foundation is Jesus for Asia’s organizational presence in Thailand that provides the legal means for our missionaries to stay and work in the country.

India TV Ministry
If our JFA Bible workers are our ground force, television is our Air Force. It has proved to be a powerful tool to reach into people’s homes and introduce Jesus to them. We are currently airing a half hour program every day on a popular channel and…

SALT Cambodia - Maddocks
SALT Ministries is an incarnational, faith-based ministry located outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia. They run an orphanage with over 100 kids, a K-12 school and a television studio. Recently they have been working on opening…