JFA Evening Schools
Now that countries are opening up and COVID restrictions are lifting, our evening schools are back to normal operation. We have been blessed to open more schools in the spring of 2022. We now have 42 JFA evening schools, and we have a waiting list for more schools to open…

Tripura School
This will be the first Adventist High School in the entire state of Tripura!

Sukhothai Project - Nortons
The Nortons moved to a place where there were no Adventists… no church, no missionary, no presence. Now there is a church plant, a children’s home, outreach to the poor, and a beachhead for the Holy Spirit.

Sukhothai Children’s Home Property
The Norton family has been working in the previously un-entered city of Sukhothai, in north central Thailand.

ESL Projects - Bob Clayton
Bob is starting a project in Central Asia by serving in a new ESL Project and at a Seminary as an English teacher.

Kantharalak Project - España
Ric and Jane, with their 4 children, are getting ready to launch to Southeast Asia with the vision of entering a city and province in which there is currently no Adventist presence, no believer, no missionary, no church.

Light for Asia Project - Jason Raney
Jason Raney will be going to Cambodia to help build the campus for the Cambodia Adventist Academy as well as helping other projects and providing evangelistic seminars in various countries.

Zamboanga City School Expansion
This will be the site of the expansion of the Zamboanga City Adventist School, which is filled to overflowing. It is also a very fertile ground for soul-winning due to the fact that it is a very popular place…
Bangladesh Schools
In rural farming communities in Bangladesh, children as young as ten often help their parents work in the fields to help support their families. Many of these kids have few education opportunities, and few have enough to eat every day. Jesus for Asia opened a day school in Bangladesh to help kids in one of these communities and share Jesus with them.

Widow’s Sewing School
There are over 40 million widows in India and they are often forced to beg or sell themselves to make a living because they are uneducated and can’t get a job. Our Widows’ Sewing School is changing that, one woman at a time!

Manipur School
In the mountains of Manipur, Northeast India, lies a school that has been supported by three local SDA churches for several decades. We are working with 3ACM ministries and Dennis and Judy Skandunas to rebuild this school, especially for our Adventist young…

Community Art + Health Projects in Sensitive Countries
Community mural paintings and health expos utilizing young people in in countries that restrict Christian outreach.

Mission Project - Charlene Opperman
Charlene is teaching at the school at SALT Ministries, Wat Preah Yesu, Butterfly Paradise with Tim and Wendy Maddocks.

Cambodia Boarding Academy
Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, with only 3,000 active SDA’s in a country of 18,000,000 people. The average tithe from the members is $35 per year. They are in desperate need of an educational upgrade.

Cambodia Teacher Training
We need to send our future teachers to the Philippines to get a Christ-centered education.

Cambodia Boarding Academy - Howell
Lloyd and Natalie Howell, with their younger daughter Alysa, have been working with the Cambodia Adventist Mission to build a primary school and boarding academy, which are desperate needs for the fledgling Cambodian Adventist Church. They are also helping to train teachers who will work at the academy when it is finished.

Worthy Student Fund
One of the most effective long term mission strategies is to invest in the Adventist education of our young people, many of whom are first generation into the church and have no Adventist background. An Adventist education will give them that daily…

Mission Project - Fernandez
Rosa will be helping Tim and Wendy Maddocks at War Preah Yesu in Siem Reap Cambodia.

Gifts to this fund will be used for flood or typhoon relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects as the need arises.

Mindoro Outreach
There is a people group deep in the mountains of Mindoro, an island in the Philippines, that live in deep fear and superstition that keeps them from education and proper nutrition. Our team of missionaries are winning hearts through educating…