Japan Project
Jon Wood Jon Wood

Japan Project

Japan is one of the least reached countries in the world, with about 1% Christian of any denomination. Currently there are only 60 SDA pastors (20 of them are foreigners) in the whole country of about 120 million people. Japan is suffering from loneliness and depression, ills that Christ can heal through prayers and personal contact.

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Timor Leste Mission
Timor Leste, Evangelism Jon Wood Timor Leste, Evangelism Jon Wood

Timor Leste Mission

Timor Leste is one of the world’s newest countries – gaining independence from Indonesia in 2002. In the wake of independence, about 1/4 of the people were killed. The president of the Adventist church there, Pastor Chris Anderson, has a vision to uplift this…

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Gayle’s Jungle Mission

Gayle’s Jungle Mission

Gayle Haberkam is a missionary nurse in the jungles of Thailand. Although she originally planned to stay in Thailand for three months, she fell in love with the Karen people and has served them there ever since. As Gayle cares for the people’s physical needs, she teaches them about the One who can fulfill their spiritual needs.

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