Building Begins in Thailand: New Studio and Office
Praise God! We have officially started building the new Love for Asia Studio and Office in Thailand! Christian media and literature in Thailand is scarce, and often the available resources have not been contextualized for the Thai culture…

Prayer Requests and Praises for Mumbai Church Rebuild: COVID Roadblocks
Whenever God is trying to do something, roadblocks always seem to pop up. Thankfully, God is bigger than any obstacle the enemy tries to throw. God has given us ample evidence that He wants us to move forward in rebuilding the condemned Chembur Church in Mumbai,...

Preparing for More At-Risk Children: Construction begins in Sukhothai!
God has given the Norton Family a dream to open a children’s home and school in Thailand, and bit by bit, He is pulling the pieces together to make that dream happen. A couple months ago, we shared how God opened the doors for the Nortons to start the purchase process...

Back to Cambodia! Howell Family Matching Grant Completed, Tickets Purchased
By God’s grace we have been able to reach the matching goal to get the Howell Family back to Cambodia! Thank you to each of you who have been praying for the Howells and who have given toward their return! The Howells have been encouraged by your prayers and...

Moving Forward In Faith: Bangkok Outpost Property Update
This mountain, which the outpost property borders, has been a long-time climbing spot for ministry outings. Thanks to God and the prayers and support of donors like you, we have almost reached our funding goal for the new outpost property outside Bangkok, Thailand!