Building Update: New Studio and Office in Thailand
Over the last couple weeks, the builders for the new Love for Asia Studio and Office have been pouring concrete for the subfloor and beginning to put the framing together. Jon Wood, Jesus for Asia President, and the Love for Asia team have been busy picking the roof color, tiles, paint, windows, and other small details that will go into finishing the studio.
If you want to learn more about why we’re building this studio, click here.
We still have a few months before the building is complete, but we are excited to share these progress photos and video with you. Please continue to keep this project in your prayers. Thailand currently has a shortage of steel, which is needed to finish the studio framing and roof, and prices are increasing dramatically.
The builders have finished the concrete subfloor and the framing for the guest house which will be behind the studio.
Now that the framing for the guest house Is complete The builders have started adding walls. The guest house will help save costs for speakers and other visitors who come to help at the studio.
Check out this building montage, and see a bit of the hard work that is being put in to build the new studio!
By the grace of God, and the kind gifts and prayers from our donors, the studio building is fully funded!
There is still a need for the media ministry operations in Thailand, which includes filming and translating videos, and translating literature. If you would like to support this ongoing ministry, please click the button below.