Moving Forward In Faith: Bangkok Outpost Property Update
F5 Climbing Trip
This mountain, which the outpost property borders, has been a long-time climbing spot for ministry outings.
Thanks to God and the prayers and support of donors like you, we have almost reached our funding goal for the new outpost property outside Bangkok, Thailand!
Click here to learn more about this project and the ministry needs in and around Bangkok.
After much prayer we recently made the decision to move forward in faith and start the property purchase process. The Atwells set up a meeting January 7 to meet with the land owners and the village headman who has been managing the sale of the property.
Over the last few weeks, the Atwells have spent time hiking near the property, and recently noticed a man had set up camp on the land and started clearing it. Brian Atwell spoke to the man, who claimed to be the owner and tried to offer the land at a much higher price than had been negotiated.
When the Atwells went to the meeting with the land owners, they discovered the man was one of three siblings who were inheriting the property from their recently deceased father. After a long discussion they were able to settle on a reasonable price, make a deposit and agree to the terms of sale. Before the sale can be finalized and the title transferred, the land owners’ inheritance documents need to be processed.
Because of a Covid-19 resurgence in Thailand, this could take between 30 and 90 days, at which point the full sale price will be due.Based on donations that are being processed, it will take approximately $11,000 (which will then be matched) to reach the funding goal and finish the purchasing process. Any donations that come in above the purchase price will go toward developing the property with a well and electricity.
Please join us in praising God for all He has done so far for this project, and praying for God to send the remaining funds before the inheritance documents are completed.If you would like to support this project financially, please click the button below.