Missionaries for the Heavenly City
For years we prayed for God to send missionaries to the unreached city of Sukhothai, Thailand, which at the time had no Seventh-day Adventists and few Christians. God answered our prayers by sending the Norton family to Sukhothai, and He has continually blessed and guided their first year and a half of ministry.
But what about the dozens of other cities and towns in Thailand with no Adventists and few people to share the Gospel?
Nakhon Sawan, a city south of Sukhothai, has also been a burden on the hearts of the Jesus for Asia team. At the beginning of this year, we decided to make Nakhon Sawan a special matter of prayer.
We sent out an email newsletter about “The Heavenly City” in January, asking you all to join us.
Next, we planned to film and pray in the city so those of us outside Thailand could see what we were praying for. Jon Wood, Jesus for Asia President, wanted to go himself, but God had other plans. Finally, in March, our foreign correspondents in Thailand, Jonathan and Hannah Hill, were able to go.
While Jonathan and Hannah were in Nakhon Sawan, we organized a virtual prayer walk through the city, and over 50 people joined in from around the world. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to be poured out, and for missionaries to come and share the Gospel with its people.
We didn’t know then, but God had been working on answering our prayers since that very first email in January.
Jonathan and Hannah Hill shared in a recent vlog that after receiving the first newsletter, a thought popped into their heads, "What if we went?"
When they traveled to Nakhon Sawan in March, a city they had been through several times before, they looked at it through completely new eyes. As they prayed, the burden for this city grew in their hearts. The people they met were open and friendly, and they realized they could build long-term relationships there.
When they went back home, Jonathan and Hannah continued to talk and pray about moving to Nakhon Sawan. But was this really God’s plan? They decided the only way to find out was to move forward and let God close the doors if He wanted to.
Spoiler alert: He didn’t.
He opened the doors to a new house that fit all their needs, and He did it in such a way that they knew it was His leading.
The House —
Hear Jonathan and Hannah's story from their perspective including their search for a new home.
Miracle! The House part 2 —
See the miraculous way God opened the doors for Jonathan and Hannah's new house!
So now the city of Nakhon Sawan has two Seventh-day Adventists. And we are so excited. God’s got plans for this city and we know that by His grace this number will grow!
Jonathan and Hannah in their new home city!
Please pray for Jonathan and Hannah as they begin their ministry in Nakhon Sawan. Please pray for divine appointments and ministry opportunities; please pray for wisdom and peace as they serve God in this totally new area. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to continue working in the hearts of the people, and that He will bring those who are seeking truth into Jonathan and Hannah’s paths.
So what city should we pray for next? We already have a few in mind, and we invite you to pray with us for God's leading.