Peace in the ... Storm?
On Thursday, March 25, the forecast showed thunderstorms all day, and a quick look outside at the dark clouds seemed to confirm the...

Virtual Prayer Walk Initiative
Jonathan and Hannah Hill share their experience from last Friday’s prayer call, as well as a fellow missionary’s testimony of the power of prayer! Over 50 people joined us in (virtually) walking the streets of Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, last Friday night to...

Pray with Us to Rebuild a Condemned Church in Mumbai
This church, a two story structure, has been declared unsafe for human occupancy or use. It is unlawful for people to meet in this building. In 2012, Mumbai city officials condemned the Chembur Seventh-day Adventist Church citing a lack of structural integrity. Over...

Pray for the Heavenly City
At the place where two great rivers join to form the river of kings (Chao Phraya River) lies Thailand’s heavenly city: Nakhon Sawan. Despite the name, few of Nakhon Sawan’s 90,000 plus residents have had the opportunity to learn about the God of heaven, who sent His...