Mini Miracle in Thailand
Gayle Haberkam spoke remotely at FaithCamp East on Saturday night (Sunday morning in Thailand). She is a missionary nurse in the jungles of Thailand. She works closely in ministry with her translator BletJhaw. She shared this miracle story that happened as she was on her way to to town to get internet:
Can you spot the iPhone in this photo? God is good!
"Now we had to come out of BYT again because I have been asked to do a short, live, video presentation of our work at FaithCamp East tomorrow morning. I left BletJhaw with his family and drove to MaeSot, where I would (hopefully), have decent internet for this program. Once I arrived I received a desperate phone-call from BletJhaw. He had left his cell phone on the front bumper of our truck! Was it still there? Now I have been driving on a bumpy dirt road in Khane Chue and then 50 minutes on the highway traveling at 60-80 km! Maybe even 90 km! This was a very nice iPhone. I quickly ran to the front of the truck, and there sweetly camouflaged against the bumper bar and the back of the bumper was that black cell phone!
"I just read this wonderful statement: 'In our behalf He sets in operation the all-powerful agencies of heaven. At every step we touch His living power.' Acts of the Apostles 478.2
"I'm so in love with Jesus!"