Special FaithCamp Speakers

We are excited to announce three special speakers who, God willing, will be traveling from Asia to share their testimonies and mission stories at FaithCamp!

Ramon and Shandy Tengkano


The Tengkanos will be coming from Indonesia where they operate a satellite TV station that broadcasts to all of Indonesia and Malaysia in the national language, Bahasa. This station is one of only two Seventh-day Adventist TV stations in Indonesia.

The Tengkanos once thought they had it all, until they found something of much higher value than money–being in the service of Jesus Christ. They put everything they had into sharing Him with others, and have come to discover what faith and joy really look like.

In addition to their satellite ministry the Tengkanos also have a cycling ministry and a dental work ministry, and are working on building a health retreat center.

The Tengkanos will be speaking at both FaithCamp East (June 9-13) and FaithCamp West (July 14-19).

If you can't make it to either FaithCamp, they will also be available for speaking engagements between these two events. For inquiries, please call the Jesus for Asia office at (423) 413-7321.

Their project can be supported here.

Kasey Norton


Kasey Norton will be coming from Sukhothai, Thailand, where she and her husband Robbie are taking care of nine Thai children in addition to five children of their own (plus three in the U.S.).

In less than two years, the Nortons have ministered to their community, taught English classes, opened their city's first Adventist Church plant, and begun creating a children's home for at-risk children, not through their own strength, but through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. They have faced many challenges as well as victories. They have seen God working in their lives, and the lives of their children, in incredible ways. We hope you will join us to hear Kasey share some of these experiences.

With so many little ones who will be missing her dearly, Kasey will only be in the U.S. to speak in person at FaithCamp East. If you live out west, or are not able to make it to FaithCamp this year, you will still be able to watch her messages online at faithcamp.org/watch.

The Nortons' project can be supported here.

Because travel is still somewhat complicated, please keep these missionaries in your prayers, that they will arrive safely in the U.S. and return home without issue.

We will be announcing more speakers for FaithCamp West at a later date.


Building Update: New Studio and Office in Thailand


Property Purchased for Bangkok Outpost