Dharmapuri Bible Worker And Tengkanos Part 2
Bible Workers
Jesus for Asia has decided to authorize 50 more Bible Workers to go out into the field. We have seen first hand how much they are needed and how great the harvest is. Please pray for these Bible Workers and for the Lord to provide donors willing to fund them. Below is a story that demonstrates how dedicated our Bible Workers are and how God uses them to reach people.
God Demonstrates His Care For
A Family Business with 5am Prayer

God cares about our workplace relationships, businesses, and income. He loves to demonstrate His love to us by blessing those who honor Him. Our JFA Bible Worker met a family that was attending a Sunday-keeping church. The head of this family was in partnership with a Hindu man, and together they were running a fruit and vegetable shop. This Christian man invested a significant amount of money and time into making this shop a successful business.
One day, the Hindu man brought all his family members into the vegetable shop and took control of the finances. The Hindu man said the shop is losing money. He asked the Christian to leave the shop and not to come back.
The Christian man was very discouraged when our JFA Bible Worker met him. Our Bible Worker and her pastor committed to praying with this man for forty days at 5am. During this time, the Christian man began doing Bible studies. When he learned about the true Sabbath, he immediately began keeping the Sabbath holy. Soon after that, he, his wife, and daughter were baptized. Now, they faithfully attend the local SDA church.
Eventually, the President of the Business Association responded to this man’s situation. Both parties were summoned to court. The Christian man was awarded a financial settlement and the business. The locals were amazed at the outcome because the Hindus are almost always favored in disputes like this.
Now, his business is growing and expanding. He honors the Sabbath by closing the shop every week on Saturday, even though this is busiest day of the week! His customers are increasing, and he has recently enlarged the shop.
Not long ago, his mother was baptized. Now his whole family are Seventh-day Adventists. The pastor who baptized this family reports that when he visits the shop he really feels the presence of the Lord there.
Let us thank the Lord for using JFA Bible Workers mightily for His cause!
To support our JFA India Bible Workers, click here.
From Earthly Riches to
HeavenlyTreasure (Part Two)
(A multipart testimony from the Tengkanos and an update from HCBN Indonesia)

Previously we shared how Ramon and Shandy had amassed a large amount of wealth, yet felt completely unhappy with their lives.
In 2008, Ramon was at a very low point, and he started asking God to show him how to have a better, godly life. Ramon spent the next two years reading the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Little by little Shandy began to do the same. Ramon’s and Shandy’s lives were changed. Ramon came under conviction that their family would serve the Lord in some capacity. At that time, they had no idea how this would happen.
In January 2011, Ramon’s mother invited them to attend FaithCamp (sponsored and organized by Jesus for Asia). She told them that some people from America were coming to speak about missions. Ramon and Shandy didn’t know what missions were, but they agreed to go.
Shandy sat in the front listening to the testimonies and was convicted that what she heard was what she had been looking for. She asked God why the people presenting had testimonies, but she did not have any. She then asked God to give her testimonies to share.
God has answered that prayer in abundance!
In the next newsletter, we will share how God used them to start a ministry in Indonesia.
Upcoming Events
FaithCamp West
June 26-30, 2019
Hayden, Idaho
Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
12940 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835
Save these dates. More details coming soon!
Thank you for being a part of the Jesus for Asia family.