India TV Ministry/ Studio
The Gospel Air Force
If our Bible Workers are the ground force, then our JFA Television Ministry is the air force of the Gospel. Just like the military needs both a ground force and an air force to defend our nation, we need both the ground force and the air force to effectively spread the gospel.
Israel Prasad, Jesus for Asia’s Director in India, had a dream to start a television ministry for several years. Finally in September of 2017, we made the decision to move forward. He began airing weekly shows on Tamilan TV, an international television channel in the Tamil language.

Then we waited to see what would happen.
Just two months later, we heard about the first baptism and miracle story. A pregnant woman who was paralyzed found healing and faith. She along with her whole family were baptized, even though they lived where there was no Adventist presence. We praise the Lord!
Then Israel told us of a cable channel in Valparai, a small town in the mountains surrounded by tea plantations. We could have one hour per day, seven days a week for only $75/month. We agreed immediately!
A year and a half later, while recently traveling in south India, we were amazed to find that nearly every church we visited has new members that came into the church directly as a result of the television ministry.
Danabakum was one lady we met in Valparai.
She told us that she faithfully watches the television program. One day she called the number on the screen, and Israel’s mother answered the phone. She prayed with Danabakum and started Bible studies with her by phone. Soon she connected her with Brother John, the local JFA Bible Worker and church pastor in Valparai, to continue the Bible studies. Danabakum was so excited about what she was learning that she couldn't help telling her family, neighbors, friends, and co-workers. Now she and six of her family members and friends attend the local Valparai church every Sabbath. They all know about Jesus and the gospel because JFA is broadcasting on a local television station in their village.
Currently, about 170 Bible studies across the state of Tamil Nadu are occurring weekly as a result of this television ministry. Most of these studies are conducted over the phone. Some even at 2 am!
In the last year 11 people or entire families have been baptized.
How many more are watching but haven’t called in? Thousands? Millions? There are over 100 million people that speak the Tamil language in the world. That equals one third of the entire population of the United States. And this channel is seen in all the major Tamil population centers of the world. Seeds are being planted that the Holy Spirit can water and that will eventually, in God’s time, bring forth much fruit!
All this is being done without a studio! The local church lets us set up a small desk with a green screen background where we shoot the show with one rented camera. Then all the equipment is taken down and stored for Sabbath services.
Good News!

The church has offered to let us build a small studio on their roof so we don’t have to buy land (which is very expensive in Chennai). The cost to build and equip the studio will be about $18,000.
Click here to view a two minute video promo for this project.

In addition, the monthly cost of broadcasting is about $640 but this will increase this month to about $880 due to rate hikes in all TV channels.
Lastly, we have been offered a second time slot during the week that is prime time. It is being offered to us at half price. Do you think we should go for it?
I know we are all anxious for many souls to hear of Christ before it is too late and this seems to be a powerful way to spread the Gospel to places where there are no ground forces yet. In fact, just recently (March 6, 2019) a man traveled over 500 kilometers just to attend the church where Israel and his mother attend. He lives where there in no Adventist church, His son started watching our program and got so convicted that he convinced his dad to watch. Now the whole family is accepting this new found truth and studying for baptism. God is good!
Please remember to pray for the television ministry in India! And if the Lord impresses you to give, click here.
From Earthly Riches to
Heavenly Treasure
Part 3 of this story, along with a video will be published in our next newsletter.
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FaithCamp West
June 26-30, 2019
Hayden, Idaho
Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
12940 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835
Save these dates. More details coming soon!
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