Bauders, Bible Workers and Tengkanos Part 1
Baptisms in Thailand!!

Josh and Chitlada Bauder keep very busy raising six teenagers while adjusting to life with a newborn. They are homeschooling some while the others attend Chiang Mai Adventist Academy. Other families all over Thailand are wanting to send their children to live with the Bauders. The Bauders have a big heart to help children, they believe in our big God to lead the way, but they do need financial support for these children, a bigger house, as well as more adult assistance. Currently, they are expecting two more children to join their family this summer and maybe more as God leads.
Today, the oldest child living with them is Ice, Chitlada’s niece. Ice was raised in a Buddhist home and wanted to live with the Bauders to learn what it is like to be a Christian. She quickly became best friends with Preaw, Josh and Chitlada’s first daughter.
Josh and Chitlada want more than anything for these children to know Jesus and His love for them. They began reading the Amazing Facts Thai Bible studies with Ice and Preaw. They also studied the book of John.
The girls were excited about what they were learning and began putting it into practice. They would go out daily into their community, help the elderly with various tasks, and teach the children Bible stories and songs.
During a recent week prayer, the girls along with a friend chose to be baptized.
Ice called her mom, who told her, “No, you cannot get baptized!” Her uncle said that Christianity is the wrong path to go down because it will lead to poverty.
Josh, Chitlada, and the girls began to pray. Ice decided she was going to get baptized, understanding it is better to obey God rather than man.
Joyfully, the girls were baptized Sabbath January 26.
Ice is about to face many challenges as she soon has to return to her home for a few months. Josh and Chitlada are trying to prepare her to meet these challenges and encouraging to pray often. She fears her mother will not be willing to help her pay her college tuition because of her decision to get baptized.
Please pray for Ice. Pray for her to be strong in her new faith and for God to provide for her to attend college in May.
To help the Bauders provide for God's children, click here.

Josh and Chitlada's baby girl.
Evangeleen Faith Bauder, born February 8
Simple Acts Change Lives
A JFA Bible Worker goes into a village every day sharing the love of Christ with people that do not even know who Christ is. They offer a simple prayer, words of hope, share a Bible story or some health nugget. These acts seem so simple yet is completely life-changing for those willing to listen and believe. Below is Leelaben’s experience.
Leelaben from Limdi has one son and one daughter who are both grown and married. Leelaben was Hindu and worshipped idols until she met our Bible Worker, Vimlaben.
Vimlaben visits people in her village. She gives health talks to women and children and also prays for them. One day, Leelaben attended the health talk and asked Vimlaben to pray for her leg pain. Vilaben prayed for Leelaben and also told her about how Christ healed the lepers.
Leelaben tells us how she believed the story and believed that Christ could heal her when she went home. The next day, she realized her leg pain was gone. That is how Leelaben accepted Christ!

Now, she regularly attends the health talks and other church meetings while continuing to learn more about Christ.
Please pray for Leelaben and her family. Pray for our Bible Workers.
Click here to support our JFA India Bible Workers.
From Earthly Riches to
(A multipart testimony from the Tengkanos and an update from HCBN Indonesia)
Ramon Tengkano grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist church in Indonesia, however, the life choices he made took him farther and farther from God. His wife, Shandy, grew up in a non-churched family that valued wealth over everything else. Even though Ramon was an Elder in the church, he was living a worldly life.
Together Ramon and Shandy spent their efforts amassing earthly riches because they believed that money is the key to happiness. With their money, they partied, drank, and did drugs together. They could buy whatever they wanted, any time they wanted it. But they did not find happiness in any of these things. For them, the more money they had, the less happiness they experienced. They always felt there was something else, something they were missing in their lives.
In our next newsletter we will share how they found happiness.
Upcoming Events
FaithCamp West
June 26-30, 2019
Hayden, Idaho
Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
12940 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835
Save these dates. More details coming soon!
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