Church Building
This is to renovate an existing space for a congregation to meet as a church in downtown Kuala Lumpur.
This building is in such bad repair that the city of Mumbai condemned it and closed it for public use ten years ago.
The slums of Mumbai are the largest in Asia and we have had several Bible Workers working there for a number…
24/7 United Prayer is a ministry engendering a global prayer initiative that seeks to promote revival. Brothers and sisters from around the world are daily uniting in prayer via Zoom.
We have a dream of several small “Lifestyle Community Centers” in every large city in India. These centers will be places where people can come to mingle and learn, to be inspired and discipled for Jesus. Another mission project is to train “Lifestyle Coaches”…
Churches are powerful evangelistic tools. In Asia, if we don’t have a church building, the new believers will give up and scatter. The building helps establish the work.