Thailand Media Team and India Evening Schools
Thai Media Team
Our Love For Asia Media Team, Jesus for Asia's Ministry in Thailand, is working hard to spread the gospel in unreached areas of Thailand. Over the summer they have been able to record many sermons and a health seminar. They also have done outreach once a month.
During one outreach Sabbath, they were able to distribute school supplies to the children in a Lahu Village. These children, who are culturally shy, began to color right away with the paper and crayons they were given.

Our Love for Asia Media Team works hard traveling, recording, translating, duplicating, and distributing messages on DVD. The villagers who listen to these messages in their own language can also share them with friends and family. Or they can listen to the message again to gain more understanding of the information.
They have started live streaming the sermon every Sabbath. This not only spreads the gospel, but it also helps to retain members and provide a way for young people to connect with Christian fellowship. Retaining church members is an issue in Thailand because there is not a large group of Christians for people to connect with to meet their spiritual needs. Unfortunately, they find it very easy to slip back into Buddhism while seeking support from family and friends. Love for Asia's YouTube channel helps to feed them through the week.
Please pray that the local church members will utilize these tools to reach out to missing and new members to build strong relationships.
Pray, too, for our media team and the important work they are doing to share the gospel in the local languages of the unreached people in Thailand. If you would like to support the Love for Asia Media Team, click here.
Team Growth!!
We praise God for the healthy arrival of two additions to the team in Thailand. Gop and Frame gave birth to a baby boy, Amos, earlier this year. Big brother Isaiah loves him dearly. The Bairs have recently been blessed with baby Nehemiah Matthew born on September 25.

India Evening Schools
Our evening schools are having a positive impact in the villages where they are located. The village children who come to these evening schools receive help with their school work and a hot meal. Yet, they leave with so much more! The children are learning about God through nature, scripture memorization, Bible stories, and more.
Their parents and neighbors are seeing a positive change in the characters of the children. This change has made those in higher castes choose to send their children to our evening schools also. We praise God for how He uses simple means to share His love across barriers that normally are never crossed.
Currently, we have ten evening schools.
1. Kathaswamypalyam
2. Pukkulam
3. Papankullam
4. Madathukullam
5. Kadaithur
6.Bharathi Nagar
7. Indhra Nagar
8. Dhali
9. Amravathi Nagar
10. Thanjur

Many encouraging stories have been shared with me recently.
One young man who attended our evening school for many years, beginning in 2009, shared how grateful he is to have a regular well paying job. He is now an upstanding citizen in his community and attributes his success to our evening school. He believes he would never have finished school without the help and motivation from our evening school. Instead he would most likely be doing nothing but wandering the streets wasting his life like 40% of the young men in his village.
Three young woman shared how they were saved from the consequences of early marriage because of our evening schools. These young girls finished their twelfth grade education. Two of them now have jobs, and the third is married and happily raising a family.
A sad story was shared about a very special young girl from one of our schools. Many people were sick in the village because of a dengue fever outbreak, including this young girl. This disease ended up claiming her life, and our evening school teachers and cook were all very sad. While attending her funeral, they met her parents. The parents shared how much their daughter had learned from the evening school, and how she would always come home and tell them the memory verses and stories about God. We believe this girl planted seeds for God in her family's hearts that will grow to produce much fruit.
Please remember to pray for the teachers and children at each school.
If you would like to sponsor a child to attend an evening school, the cost is only $7 per month per child. To find out more, click here.

Thank you to everyone who attended and invited friends to attend FaithCamp East. It was such a blessing to see so many attendees inspired to participate personally in foreign missions. FaithCamp East videos will soon be up on our FaithCamp website. Until then, you can view FaithCamp West videos now on the Jesus for Asia YouTube Channel. Please add FaithCamp to your prayer list as we begin planning for next year's events.
FaithCamp West 2019
June 26-30, 2019
Hayden, Idaho
Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
12940 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835
There will be camping available onsite. If you prefer a hotel, there are several not too far away in Hayden. Please start planning now to attend. Tell your friends!
Thank you!
To those of you who are making new monthly commitments to support our Bible Workers, we want to say how much we appreciate you. Your $90/month makes such a big difference in the lives of people in India. If you would like to add your monthly support, click here.
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