Happy Thanksgiving, Bindu, Miranda

Bindu Walks By Faith
Bindu grew up in Northern India. When he was five years old, his family sent him to live in an Adventist orphanage because they could not afford to feed him. He was happy there while still keeping a strong connection with his family. As he neared the completion of high school, he was spiritually tested. In order to receive his diploma, he had to take his final exams on Sabbath. A leader in the church strongly encouraged him to go ahead and take the exam on Sabbath. But Bindu felt it would be wrong to do so. He prayed and waited, hoping the exams would be offered on a different day.
After waiting two years, and wanting to attend college to study media ministry, he prayed and asked God to open a door. He applied to Hartland College in Virginia and was accepted without ever sitting for his final exams. He was certain that God was leading! However, he could not see how he would ever be able to afford to attend college in the United States.
Bindu stepped out in faith, trusting God all the way. As he prepared to leave India to study at Hartland College, he learned his parents needed money. He gave them almost everything he had. He arrived in the US with only $20 in his pocket not knowing what to expect. But he knew God had brought him this far and God would provide.
Now, after four years of college, and two internships, he is almost finished with his college education. God has been faithful! Bindu's school bill has been paid in full!
One of his internships was spent at Jesus for Asia. While here, he learned about the work of the Bible Workers in India and how faithful they are to work for the Kingdom even when there are few resources. Bindu recognized a need to obtain more detailed information and stories from the Bible Workers to share with others how God is working through the Bible Workers to save souls. This will increase awareness and sponsorship for more Bible Workers to go into new territories.
Bindu will soon return to India as a JFA foreign corespondent to visit as many Bible Workers as he can during his two-month visit, along with visiting his family for the first time in over three years. Unfortunately, his father just passed away so he really needs to be with his family. But while there he will spend part of his time using his newly acquired skills in media to gather video stories directly from the Bible Workers. This will provide a clearer picture of what our Bible Workers’ needs are and how we can provide more focused support to them. We will also have the joy of hearing their testimonies of God’s faithfulness.

Bindu has a goal of $4500 to cover the costs of airfare, a camera and lens, and living expenses while in India. He has raised $550, bought his ticket on faith, and is praying for God's blessings on his trip. If you would like to support Bindu as he connects with the Bible Workers in India please click here.
Miranda Dreams Big!
Many of you have heard about Miranda Lundby, a girl with a dream of making Adventist education accessible in Cambodia. Miranda is working toward building a Seventh-day Adventist boarding academy in collaboration with the Cambodia Adventist Mission. She has realized there are not enough trained teachers in Cambodia to staff the academy, and she will need to train them.
Cambodian society was decimated in the 1970s by war, persecution, and famine. It is estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease, or overwork. One class of people targeted by that regime was the educated class – the intellectuals. This devastation crippled the country, and the effects are still being felt today. As a result, there are very few educated Cambodians in the country. Thus, it is essential to create a pool of teachers who will be able to teach in the new boarding academy when it opens.
While the plans are moving forward for the building the academy, a simultaneous project is also moving forward to train Cambodian teachers who will teach in Khmer, the language of Cambodia.
In addition to the education classes they need for their degree, Miranda and her team will train the students in evangelism and outreach, basic medical missionary work, and the Seventh-day Adventist fundamental beliefs. The students will also participate in outreach 3-4 hours each day in Battambang City to obtain practical, hands-on experience.
The goal of the teacher training program is to win souls for the Kingdom by instilling a spirit of evangelism and discipleship in the teachers so that they can, in turn, instill that spirit in their students. We pray that the Holy Spirit will ignite a spiritual fire in Cambodia through this program!

The cost of the teacher training program is $3,600 per student, per year. This cost includes the cost of their university teacher education, the added Adventist-specific education, their living expenses, and a stipend for them as they assist in Bible work and evangelism in the area.
If you would like to support this important project of training Biblically-based, local Cambodian teachers to train young people in their native Khmer language to reach souls for the Kingdom, click here. Thank you for investing in heavenly treasure!

Watch MissionTrek
A new episode is released each Friday evening at 6pm.
They can be viewed on YouTube or Facebook.
Start Planning for FaithCamp 2019
FaithCamp West 2019
June 26-30, 2019
Hayden, Idaho
Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church
12940 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835
There will be camping available onsite. If you prefer a hotel, there are several not too far away in Hayden. Please start planning now to attend. Tell your friends!
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