Matching Funds Still Available for Thailand Outpost!
A possible set up for the climbing camp at the Bangkok outpost property!
We still have $35,000 in matching funds available for the new outpost property outside of Bangkok Thailand! So far $38,000 has been raised of the total need, and every dollar given to the project will be doubled! (as of 9/29 - for updates click here!)
Thank you to all of you who have prayed for and supported this project so far! Please keep praying!
This property is a fantastic opportunity both to grow ministry work already started in Bangkok, and give the missionaries space outside the city to connect with God and His creation.
The goal is to create a rustic climbing camp, with tents under bamboo shelters like those pictured above, where climbers can come for extended trips. The Atwells, who will be running the camp, will be able to connect with the climbers during their stay and share Jesus’ love as they build relationships with them. The Atwells would also like to open the camp up to church events like pathfinder camporees.
If you would like to learn more about why this is such a valuable and important project, read last week’s email here!
Watch Brian and Jessica Atwell share their vision for this property and their family's growing need for space outside the city.
Please continue praying for both the funding and planning of this project! If God is leading you to contribute financially please click the button below.