Help 10/17

Josh and Chitlada Bauder are working in the On Nut 49 slum area of Bangkok. They are running a very active church plant, providing a safe environment for children after school and helping the elderly get much needed health care and medical equipment. Showing the love of Jesus is their main goal.A few days ago, they were traveling via motorbike to a hospital to visit one of the children that had Dengue fever. Suddenly the front wheel of their motorbike got caught in a rut and they were on the ground. Since traffic is extremely heavy all the time in Bangkok, another motorbike and two cars were also involved in the accident. Josh’s foot was caught under his motorbike with the exhaust pipe melting his shoe. The other bike had hit Chitlada. Fear ran through both of them! They were both thinking the other must be dead. It all happened so fast!Now, instead of visiting the child in the hospital, they were going to the hospital themselves. They only sustained minor cuts, scrapes, bruises and Josh’s back was really sore for a few days. Praise the Lord!!Thailand ranks number one in the world for motorbike accident deaths with an average of 5,500 deaths annually. That is more than 15 a day!We believe Josh and Chitlada need a car for safer transportation. The car would also enable them to transport the children and elderly in the slum much more safely. We need your help to make this happen. Please click on the link to donate to this project.Thank you for your prayers!

There is exciting fun progress to share from the center of influence in Bangkok. Connections were made at this summer's ASI convention that led a mural artist to Bangkok. He is making the cafe come alive with an ocean mural around the whole room. The outside of the building has also been painted and new windows installed. God is really creating this project to attract attention.

We are excited to see God coordinating so many details as Brian and Jessica are learning to surrender and let God lead. This is an awesome journey to watch and be a part of!Your prayers and support also make you a part of this journey. Please help the Atwells finish this remodel project and open the center of influence.Please continue to pray and support the work of these missionaries in Bangkok. There are so many people in this city that deserve to know Jesus loves them!

Thank you!

Prayer and Praise Requests
-Josh and Chitlada to find an affordable used car to provide safer transportation for them.-Infection in Josh's foot to heal.-Donors to cover the rent for the center of influence building.-Praise for the mural artist who has blessed the center of influence with his talent.
Thank you for being a part of the Jesus for Asia family!

I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Christina AdamsCommunications Department

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6