Within Arms Length -A Bible Worker Testimony


Every year, an estimated 50,000 people in India die from snake bites (1). Of these, the cobra is one of the most venomous. One of our Bible Workers in India recently had a close encounter with one of these deadly serpents, and she shared her testimony with us as a witness of God’s protection over her.

Rathika set down everything she was holding and walked cautiously into her house, keeping her eyes on the Cobra slithering slowly toward her. Once her door was shut and bolted she let out her breath and began to let herself relax.

She had taken a pile of dishes outside and had been in the middle of washing them when she saw it. Not willing to take any chances with such a venomous snake, she decided the dishes could wait.

After a few hours, Rathika ventured outside to look for the cobra, but she found no trace of it. She picked up her dishes and finished washing them in peace.

After going back to the house, Rathika started to mend some old clothes she had kept piled inside a plastic bag.

Little by little she pulled pieces of clothing out of the bag and repaired their small holes, ripped seams, and frayed edges. After two hours of mending she looked in the bag and noticed what looked like a tail peeking out of the opening.

She cautiously lifted the top of the bag only to find the cobra coiled up neatly inside.

She quickly pulled her hand away and ran to get her son who killed the snake with a big stick.

This incident reminded Rathika of a verse from the Bible, Psalm 91:13. "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample under foot."

Rathika had been within arms length of the cobra for two hours and had been sticking her hand into the bag where it was hiding, yet it did not bite her. Rathika praises God for protecting her from such great danger and asks for prayers for her family and for her ministry.

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