Taking Opportunities
As humans, we easily get caught up in what is familiar and easy. We go where we already know what to say and do. But in order to make a difference for God’s kingdom and in the lives of those around us, we must go out of our comfort zones and look for new opportunities. In May 2019, Jon Wood decided it was time to look for one of those new opportunities. Jon decided to travel to the state of Punjab on the north-west border of India, to see for himself what it was like and what needs are there.
Punjab is a state with a vast history and a distinct culture. It was once home to the first people who ever lived in India. It is also the birthplace of the Sikh religion, and you can see its influence all throughout.
On Jon’s first trip to Punjab, he first traveled to the city of Amritsar. While he was there, he visited the Sikhs' most-important holy place, the Golden Temple. He also spent time walking through the city.
He saw old stone archways standing next to modern storefronts, plastered with brightly colored signs from top to bottom. Women riding sidesaddle on the backs of of motorbikes. Men in turbans selling curved swords that hang from the ceiling of their shops.
But infinitely more important than the monuments and the shops and the lights, Jon saw people who didn’t know Jesus.
But infinitely more important than the monuments and the shops and the lights, Jon saw people who didn’t know Jesus. He saw people who had no idea that Jesus loves them and died for them, and that He’s coming back soon.
After spending time in Amritsar,Jon traveled to the North India Section office and met with the head pastor. he pastor showed him a map with four provinces circled.
He told Jon that in that area, here are no Adventists at all. Jon and the pastor prayed and brainstormed for five hours to discover how God wanted them to witness to people throughout Punjab.
Afterward,Jon felt the need for even more prayer and he spent a whole day in prayer asking for God to work mightily in Punjab and in the lives of all the people he saw there.
Since this time, God has allowed Jesus for Asia to help an Adventist congregation in Punjab get a new church, we decided to send 20 Bible Workers to the provinces with no Adventists.
There is also the potential to start a TV ministry in Punjab and hold evangelistic series.
At the end of November, we sponsored a Jaime Jorge benefit concert to raise the funds to launch these 20 Bible Workers into Punjab. Everyone who came was blessed by the music, and by the grace of God, over $22,000 out of the $36,000 launching goal (to pay the Bible Workers' first year salaries) was raised! Now, we are preparing to send the first ten Bible Workers into these unreached areas to begin reaching out into the communities and sharing Jesus with their new neighbors. Please pray with us for the work that needs to be done there and for all of Punjab’s precious people. We are so excited to see what the Lord will do!
If you feel God leading you to help support these Bible Workers in Punjab, click here.
Here are a few highlights from the concert!