Small Boy, Big Miracle
Ranjit* is a little boy who attends one of our evening schools in India. His mom didn’t want him to go at first, but eventually, she consented. Ranjit really enjoys the evening school. He has learned how to read and write better and how to pray to the God of Heaven.
One evening, Ranjit came home from the evening school and found his mom lying in bed with a terrible headache. She couldn’t move because of the pain; it was almost unbearable.
Ranjit was worried about his mom, so he knelt down, placed his hand on her forehead, and prayed.
God answered his prayer! Immediately, her headache was gone.
The next day, Ranjit’s mom came to the evening school and asked that her son be taught more about these things, so that he could continue to be a blessing.
Ranjit’s mother was a strong believer in Hinduism. She would never have let Bible Workers into her home, but because of her son’s faith, she became interested in learning about the God who healed her.
This happens quite frequently in the evening schools. Children who attend, once they learn about Jesus, cannot help but share Him with their families. Their faith opens the way for the Holy Spirit to work in their families’ lives and change their hearts.
$7 a month, per child, covers the cost of food, materials, and the teachers’ stipends.