Peace With God and Man–A Bible Worker Story


One day, two JFA Bible Workers met a woman named Velankanni. They asked if they could pray for her, and she told them to pray for her husband, who was addicted to alcohol. Her husband was working as a cook, she said, but he would not share the money he earned with her to pay for groceries and other household needs. Every day, he drank and fought with her.

The Bible Workers prayed for everyone in Velankanni’s family, but especially for her husband. They prayed that he would overcome his addiction. They also began visiting her home and giving her regular Bible studies. One day, Velankanni told them that she was attending a church that worshipped on Sundays and that she had been baptized. When she went to church she had peace, but she always returned home to many problems within her family. She wanted to know what church the Bible Workers attended. They told her about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and she listened eagerly.

One day, when the Bible Workers visited Velankanni’s home, her husband was there. They approached him and talked to him about God. They also gave Bible studies to Velankanni’s two daughters and told the family to read the Bible every morning. The family listened and began to read the Bible. The Bible Workers also brought Velankanni to church with them on Sabbath. She enjoyed the program, and so they brought her every week.

Shortly after, Velankanni and her family began going to church regularly. She told the volunteers that her husband had stopped drinking alcohol, and she is glad that the Lord has given her family happiness. Now, Velankanni regularly attends church with her husband and two daughters on the Sabbath. Thanks and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Every day while those of us in the Western Hemisphere are sleeping, Bible Workers are sharing the Love of Jesus and Bible truths with their people. God is working through these Bible Workers to plant seeds as well as to reap the harvest He has already prepared. We are always inspired to see how He is changing lives, like those of Velankanni and her family, and we hope you are as well! Please continue to keep both our Bible Workers and those they serve in your prayers.It only costs $90/month to fully support one Bible Worker, but any gift in support of their ministry is highly valued. If the Lord is leading you to support the Bible Workers' ministries in this way, please click the button below.

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