New Missionary Launched


A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

In the fall of last year, Hailey Chalfant was preparing to leave for Thailand to serve as a medical missionary. Hailey has had a burden on her heart for Thailand for many years, and she was excited to see what plans God had for her there. She prayed for God to open the doors to enter Thailand, which has restricted travel to most foreigners due to COVID-19. But after as those doors remained closed, Hailey began to see God opening an opportunity for her to enter mission service in the nearby country of Cambodia. 

In mid-December, Hailey left for Cambodia, completed her mandatory quarantine, and headed to Siem Riep to teach at Tim and Wendy Maddocks’ school. She is teaching 7th Grade Bible, 11th grade English, and 11th and 12th grade business.

Although she has not been in Cambodia long, Hailey has shared that she loves the people there, as well as the fruit! She has faced some challenges, since she has no previous teaching experience, and she asks for prayer for wisdom and for ideas to create lesson plans that will be beneficial to her students.

Hailey can see that God has a lot to teach her in Cambodia and plans to stay until He moves her to a different location. Please keep Hailey in your prayers as she continually seeks God’s leading in her life.

If you would like to support Hailey’s work in Cambodia, please click here.


A Life-Saving Conviction


Pray for the Heavenly City