Matching Grant Pledged to Help The Howells Return to Cambodia
Lloyd and Natalie Howell
We are the Howell family. God has called our family to serve in the Kingdom of Cambodia. We were there for five months this year. While there we developed a love for the country and the people. During our stay we realized the overwhelming need to share with these people the love of God. They have had such a difficult history, and my family and I would love the opportunity to go back and give them hope. As we went around our city we saw so many people without hope, or a people who do not know who God is. What an opportunity God is trying to give us. If we were able to be there today we would be in a heartbeat.
Due to the COVID-19, we are not able to get back in a timely manner like we desire; the cost of returning has gone up astronomically. When we return we will have to be in quarantine for two to four weeks. The sooner we get back the quicker we will be able to begin the work that God is laying on our hearts to do.
“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.”
– Revelation 14:6
One of the first things that we have to do when we return is to learn the language. The most effective way to share the gospel in a foreign country is to be able to speak the language and communicate with the people in their mother tongue. The Bible backs this up in Revelation 14:6. As a result, we need to spend a considerable amount of time studying the language, especially since it isn’t similar to English and we are babies in the language.
My family will like to thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration in helping us to get back to Cambodia so we can do the work that God is calling us to.
The Howell family: Lloyd, Natalie, Danielle, and Alysa
Due to COVID-19, the Cambodian government has put some new policies in place for those entering their country. They are requiring all persons coming in to have $2000, above the cost of plane tickets and visas, for COVID testing, hotel cost during quarantine, food, and treatment if necessary. With these new policies it presents a bigger challenge for the Howell's to get back. It will take approximately $20,000 to get their family of four back to the mission field in Cambodia.
A kind donor has pledged half of this need ($10,000) as a matching grant. This means every dollar you give will help the Howells return to Cambodia twice as fast!
Please keep the Howell family and this need in your prayers, whether or not you are able to support them financially. If you would like to learn more about the Howell family's work in Cambodia or how to help them get back, please click the button below.
Watch Mission Snapshot Episode 37 to see an interview with Lloyd Howell about his family's time in Cambodia, why they had to come back to the U.S., and why they want to return to Cambodia!