First Fruits from New Bible Workers
A Punjabi family traveling on one of India's most-used forms of transportation.
In November 2019, Jesus for Asia collaborated with violinist Jaime Jorge to hold a benefit concert to send Bible Workers into an unentered area in Punjab, a northwest India state (you can learn more about the projecthere). Through God’s grace, we were able to raise the funds to hire 20 Bible Workers. Ten of these Bible workers first started work in February, and the other ten started in March.
This story was shared with us by a Bible Worker named Sona, one of the Bible Workers who started in February.
Sona and his wife have been visiting homes in their community, getting to know their neighbors and trying to share the Gospel with them. At first, no one accepted their message, but Sona and his wife did not give up. They continued to visit homes, and they prayed for each family they met.
One day, they visited the home of a man named Harpinder. Surprisingly, he and his family accepted Sona’s invitation to pray with them. They were even willing to listen as Sona shared stories from the Bible! Sona told them about Jesus, how He is our Creator and our Sustainer, and how He died to save us from sin and death. The Holy Spirit moved in Harpinder’s heart as Sona spoke, and he made a decision that very day to accept Jesus as his personal Savior.
The Holy Spirit moved in Harpinder’s heart as Sona spoke, and he made a decision that very day to accept Jesus as his personal Savior.
Sona and his wife continued to study with Harpinder’s family, and they started worshipping together each Sabbath. Now, Harpinder has made the decision to be baptized!
Harpinder is the first person we have received report of who wishes to be baptized, and it is our prayer that many others will soon follow. God loves the Punjabi people more than we can imagine, and we are incredibly excited that they are beginning to learn about the One who gave everything so they may have abundant life.
We are incredibly thankful for each person who has allowed God to use them in spreading the Gospel to Punjab’s precious people, and we pray that each person involved may be blessed and strengthened in their faith.
Please continue to keep these Bible Workers and the Punjabi people in your prayers. So many still have not had the chance to learn about Jesus; please pray that when they do, their hearts will be open to Jesus' call.
If you feel impressed to support the work Sona and other Bible Workers are doing to share the Gospel in Punjab, click the button below.