Crisis in the Philippines 5/26/17
GoBeDo Missions Facing a Crisis!
We just received word that Mike Cordes, leader of GoBeDo Missions, was in the hospital with kidney stones that were preventing him from eating. Thankfully he has been released, but is still in quite a bit of pain as the stones pass. Supporting funds for GoBeDo have declined sharply and they need help to provide for their needs and the needs of the ministry.The island of Mindanao has long been a hotbed of conflict, but the situation escalated dramatically on Tuesday. The Philippine military is fighting Islamic State fighters in Marawi where they have taken over a hospital, and burned down a church, two schools, and the city jail. They have also taken hostages and reportedly executed a policeman. The Philippine President has declared martial law and the army has begun surgical airstrikes against the rebel positions.GoBeDo has had encounters with rebel fighters before and were even taken hostage for a few hours on one occasion. Please pray for their work in Mindanao and wisdom on how to proceed as well as for a swift recovery for Mike.
Mike and Michelle Cordes claimed the island of Mindanao as their divine inheritance at FaithCamp 2008 according to Isaiah 54:3 and have been totally committed to reaching Mindanao ever since. 

Thank you for being a part of the Jesus for Asia family!
 I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Thaddeus J LozenskyMission Awareness "Christ's love, revealed to us, makes us debters to all who know Him not" Steps to Christ p.81