Combining Forces: TV Ministry and Bible Workers Work Together to Bring Family to Christ
Mrs. Kamala, one of our TV Ministry Prayer Warriors as she prays and studies with viewers from India TV Ministry Programs.
Babu is a hardworking builder who lives in India with his wife Kalivani and two children. He became distressed when his oldest son, who is in 12th grade, started to have severe chest pain.
Since Babu comes from a Hindu family, he took his son to a local temple to perform rituals. The family also tried going to a nearby church for prayer, but his son was not healed. The doctors they visited could not figure out what was wrong with him. They thought maybe it was a heart problem, but nothing they did helped.
One morning, Babu turned on the television and happened to flip to our India TV Ministry’s program. Israel Prasad, our Director in India and the speaker for the program, was telling the story of a man who was healed by Jesus. Babu was touched by the message and decided to call the ministry. A woman named Mrs. Kamala answered.
Our India TV Ministry airs daily programs on two channels. One is a local channel, and the other is a major channel that is available to anyone who has access to a TV and who speaks the Tamil language.
We have nearly 500 Bible Workers in India. It costs $90 a month to support a Bible Worker, like Rattanam, who is faithfully sharing Jesus with his people.
Babu shared his son’s problem with her. His son’s pain was so severe, Babu said, that sometimes all he could do was lay on the floor and cry. Mrs. Kamala told Babu about some natural remedies and encouraged him and prayed wiith him. They kept in communication and Mrs. Kamala connected him with a pastor who introduced Babu and his family to a JFA Bible Worker named Rattanam who works near their village.
Rattanam started going to Babu’s house once each week. The family invited their neighbors and other village children to join them, and their small group started to grow.
One day, Babu’s brother joined the meeting, but he was not happy about what he was hearing. He considered himself a devout Hindu, and he did not like to see his brother associating with Christians.
After the meeting Babu’s family gave all the visitors a slice of watermelon as a refreshing treat. When they were finished, Babu’s brother picked up some of the watermelon rinds and threw them at Rattanam. Babu seethed with anger and stood to confront his brother, but Rattanam calmly encouraged him to step back.
“It’s no problem,” Rattanam said. "Jesus loves even your brother and He wants to save everyone.”
Rattanam continued to give Bible studies to Babu and his family. He also took their son to a Christian doctor who diagnosed him with a lung infection. The doctors gave him treatments and now he is healed. The family accepted Jesus as their Savior, and Babu, Kalivani, and their oldest son were baptized. Now they are attending church as well as a 5 am daily worship on Zoom with our JFA Bible Workers and other believers. They are continuing to share with their neighbors the Good News about Jesus.
Babu and his family said that they will never forget the TV program and the people who helped show them the way to eternal life.
Isn’t it amazing to see how God is using these two ministries, the TV Ministry and Bible Workers, together to share the Gospel?
TV ministry goes right into people's homes and can reach people who otherwise may not welcome Bible studies or prayer, while Bible Workers visiting in person, like Rattanam, provide living examples of God's love as they let Christ shine through their lives.
Please join us in praying for both of these special ministries, the TV Ministry and the Bible Workers, that God will continue to grow them and use them in collaboration to bring more people to Christ.
Right now we are praying and discussing how we can start a second TV ministry in the state of Punjab, where we also have Bible Workers. This is in the very beginning stages, so for now, we just want to request your prayers for God’s wisdom as we move forward.
If you would like to support our TV Ministry or our Bible Workers in India financially, please click one of the buttons below. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!