Carrying on the Work part 2
Bible Workers in India are working hard to spread the Gospel even during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope these short updates will bless you and inspire you to do the same.Click here to read part 1!
Sunny's story
Sunny and his wife Loveleen were knocking on doors to offer their help to those in need when they met a woman named Balwinder. They asked her how her family was doing during the lockdown. Balwinder shared that her husband has a job in the private sector, but he hasn’t worked or gotten paid since the lockdown started. They had already depleted their entire savings account, and they were running out of food at home to eat.
Sunny and Loveleen told them about the God who hears and answers prayers. They offered to pray with them for God to provide food for their family. They encouraged Balwinder and her family, sharing how much God loves and cares for them. Their words struck a chord deep inside Balwinder’s heart and she knew she wanted to learn more about this God they spoke of. She and her family accepted Sunny and Loveleen’s prayers, and when they were about to leave, she asked them to come and pray with her family again.
God's promises are sure, and He soon provided a way for them to get the food they needed. The whole family was happy that Sonny and Loveleen told them about the true God. The two families continued to worship together, and Loveleen spent extra time with the women, helping them and giving them Bible studies.
Now, Balwinder has made the decision to accept Jesus as her personal Savior. Sonny and Loveleen are praying the rest of the family will soon follow.
Binod's story
A couple months ago, Binod made friends with a man named Suku. Suku belonged to a Hindu family and worshiped idols. He drank nearly every day and his health and relationships were declining as a result. Binod told Suku the health risks of alcohol and suggested ways he could become more healthy. As their relationship grew he also began giving him Bible studies. He told Suku that God loves him, and He wants him to live an abundant and healthy life.
Once Suku learned this, his life completely changed. He stopped drinking, and started making healthy choices. As the studies continued, Binod asked Suku if he would like to be baptized, and Suku said yes. Despite the lockdown, Suku was baptized on May 11! Please keep him in your prayers.