Building Plans Approved, Property Clear of Landmines: Cambodia Boarding Academy Project

Building plans have been approved for the new Cambodia Boarding Academy. The Cambodia Adventist Mission purchased land for the school early in 2019, and the mission, along with missionary Miranda Lundby and Jon Wood, president of Jesus for Asia, have been working to determine functional layouts for the campus and buildings. 

What will it look like?

The grade 7-12 academy will have six school buildings with a total of 12 classrooms. With this design, the school will accommodate up to 300 boarding and day students. If the need is great enough, the 30-acre property will allow them to expand the school for up to 600 students. 

CBA aerial view

The current layout as shown in the above image is subject to change, but each of the elements shown will be part of the school's final design. 

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In addition to the classroom buildings, the academy will have 12 residential buildings and rooms above the classrooms to house students and staff, as well as a larger building which will hold the cafeteria, meeting space, and administrative offices.The plan is to build the school buildings first, so the school can open to day students. Then, the dorms, meeting center, and staff housing will be added as funds allow.Students will be taught agriculture, Bible, and church planting in addition to standard subjects. Every student will have the opportunity to go out into the community and join churches in nearby villages for Sabbath worship. This will help the local churches to grow and help the students connect with the people around them.As part of the agriculture program, students will grow vegetables and fruit that will be used in the cafeteria, and help grow a larger crop (to be determined) that will be sold to help support their schooling.More than just teaching practical lessons, the Cambodia Boarding Academy will be teaching its students how to be disciples. The church in Cambodia is shrinking, but the young people of Cambodia have the ability to bring much needed revival to their fellow Adventists and share with all who have not heard the hope of Christ’s soon return.

What Comes next?

Now that the plans are completed, project leaders are working to finalize preparations for building. 

The land was recently checked for landmines and was determined to be safe for building. The structural and engineering plans have been completed and approved by government architects. Now, project leaders are searching for a builder who will be able to work within a reasonable time and budget.

We also are excited to share that the Cambodia Boarding Academy project has been selected to be a part of ASI Southern Union's special offering at this year's spring retreat (which will be held online due to the Coronavirus). We will have the opportunity to share our project with those who attend virtually and raise a portion of the funds needed to help us start building.

We are praising God and seeking His guidance at every step of this process. The Cambodia Boarding Academy is His project and we pray that He will be glorified in every aspect of it. Please join us in praying for the right builder to be chosen, for the fundraising, and for the project leaders and the Cambodia Adventist Mission as they continue to work on the many details of this project.

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