Building Complete! Getting Ready to Print Gospel Literature in Cambodia
An Update from the Rogers Family's Publishing Project
Written by Kenton Rogers
The building for our publishing house in Cambodia is now complete! It is a fully enclosed 60ft by 40ft space that holds all the printing equipment. We have placed, leveled, and arranged the machines to create a good workflow. Each piece is at a different setup stage since electricity has yet to be hooked up to the building.
We started by installing a transformer that will provide enough power for our large equipment and allow future growth. In March 2022, we requested a quote for hooking up our building to local power lines, but we did not receive feedback. During the following months, we made two more requests. Finally, the day after our fourth request in November, the power company sent workers to measure the area for the poles and give us a quote. Since God had provided the needed funding for the power, we paid the deposit. Then the power company told us we would have to wait some more because our village had just built new concrete roads. The concrete needs to dry thoroughly, which takes about a month.
While waiting, we have been finishing the electrical wiring inside the building. We hope the workers can install the new electrical lines and transformer in early January. Once we have power, God willing, during the middle of the month, we can finish setting up the machines.
Watch Kenton Rogers give a tour of the print shop and learn what the equipment will be used for!
Translation Work
We are currently translating The Sanctified Life by Ellen White into Khmer. After each chapter is translated, two other people review it. We are desiring to try something new with this book. When the review is done, we want to have an online group reading and discussion of the translation. The group reading will be an opportunity for the translators to learn how to translate better as they hear comments about the possible ways of wording the Khmer text.
David, our main translator, and I met with Pastor Hang Dara, the Cambodia Mission President. During the meeting, Pastor Dara asked us to be involved with the General Conference’s initiative to produce The Great Controversy by Ellen White for sharing in Cambodia. This will include updating the translation of the old version, which was based on the modern Great Controversy edition. This is a large project, and we would like your prayers for it. Please also pray for more qualified translators willing to be a part of this work.
Promises of God
Certain passages in the Bible have become important to us as we go through different experiences. Over the past few months, this verse has been one of those for me:
“But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God.” Psalms 40:17
As the reality of my deficiencies and my need of help overwhelm my mind at times, this thought has been very encouraging—God is actively thinking about me! And He is willing to be my help.
The other afternoon, we received a visit from Tim Maddocks. We enjoyed showing him what God has accomplished and provided for the publishing work. I appreciated the counsel he gave while visiting. SALT Ministries, Tim’s organization of a school, orphanage, butterfly garden, and media outreach, has been working on translating some books for publishing. Those books are some of what we plan to make when the print shop is finally running.
We are also thankful for a suggestion from Joshua Lewis, an AFM missionary here in Cambodia, to paint our building with thermal insulating paint. This paint has greatly helped to make the temperature inside the print shop comfortable, even without the air conditioning installed.
As we look to the coming months, we pray and trust that God will continue to give all that is needed for those in Southeast Asia to have literature that will prepare them to meet God face to face. For He desires with all His heart and is able, with all His power and wisdom, to keep them from falling and present them faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy (Jude 1:24).
If God is leading you to support the Rogers' Publishing project in Cambodia, and help the spread of Gospel literature in Asia, please click the button below.