Building in An Unreached City
A Pangandaran Outreach Story
The beginnings of something new in Pangandaran. Keep reading to learn more.
God is amazing.
Last year, a group from the U.S. traveled halfway across the world to pray for Pangandaran, a least-reached town in Indonesia with almost no Adventists and very few followers of Jesus. Previous attempts to start a ministry in this city had failed because of issues with local community members, and the task of sharing the Gospel there seemed too big.
What would God do for the people of Pangandaran? How could they hear the Gospel? We had no clue, but we knew God did. We knew God loved them more than we could imagine. All who went on that trip got a taste of His love for them, and we prayed in faith for God to work in their lives, not knowing if we would ever get to know the results. We know many of you have also prayed for Pangandaran, and we thank you for your prayers.
During our team's visit to Pangandaran, God inspired our friends Joe and Lisa to stay long-term. Since then, God has given them many connections and divine appointments. The work in Pangandaran is in its very beginning stages, but God is already answering prayers.
Some of Pangandaran’s beautiful people
Here's a short testimony Joe and Lisa shared with us:
On our various walks, people often invite us into their homes. One Sabbath afternoon, we went in a new direction. After we went several blocks, a lady called out to us. "Come in, come in," she said. So we did. After we talked for a little bit, she told us her son-in-law was sick.
We found out he had stomach problems for several days. After trying to figure out the problem, we asked if we could pray for him. They said yes, and so we did. During that time, he said he felt better. But when we went back again a few days later, he still had abdominal issues. We told him about the benefits of charcoal and asked him if he would like to take some. He said yes, and we prayed for him. A few days later, we returned, and they were very happy to tell us he was better. We were able to praise the Lord with him.
In further answer to prayer, the local SDA conference has assigned a new pastor to the Pangandaran area, who has another church an hour away. With conference approval, he has started to build a structure that will be used as a dwelling for when he visits, and a house of prayer. It could also be used for medical missionary work.
The local community has responded well to their request to build, and a couple of blocks away, a Sunday-keeping church has agreed to lend its facilities for worship services on Sabbaths.
The builders have estimated this project will cost around $18,400 (USD). A third of that has already been paid for. To complete the building, around $12,270 is needed.
Please pray for God to provide the funding to finish this building. Please pray for the Pastor, Joe and Lisa, and any others who will be serving in Pangandaran. Please pray for God to continue to open the people's hearts to Jesus.
Gifts toward this building project can be made to our Pangandaran Outreach fund. Donations of any size are welcome. If God is leading you to support this project, please click the button below.