Bible Workers Change Lives in India

The Bible workers are committed to sharing truth and life with people. They depend on God for strength, healing, and protection everyday. We need to remember them daily in our prayers and help support them financially.
Below are three short stories from our Bible Workers:
Story 1 A Bible worker in northeast India was working in a very tribal area. He was mistaken to be an insurgent by the police. He was very afraid of what they might do to him. However, God intervened. When the policeman questioned him, the Bible worker did not face any charges. Instead, the policeman shook hands with him and left.
Story 2 One man testified that after listening to the health message from our Bible worker on abstaining from sugar, he and his family stopped eating sugar. Soon his teeth-related problems were completely healed. Also, his family expenses were reduced because they were not buying sugar and sweet tea anymore!
Story 3 A young blind man accepted the Bible truths after studying with a JFA Bible worker. He decided he wanted to be baptized as a response to his conviction from the Holy Spirit. On the day of his baptism his elder brother, out of anger and hatred towards the Adventist message, protested his baptism. He beat his blind brother mercilessly, even attempting to take his life. God intervened. This young blind man is out of danger now. He is still holding onto his faith in Jesus and is waiting for an appropriate time to be baptized. Please pray for his family members, especially his elder brother.
(Please pray for all the JFA Bible workers in India as they minister for the Lord. May they be diligent and sincere in their ministry to bring many more souls to Christ.)
Sponsoring a Bible worker in India for just $90/month could be a great project for a Sabbath School class or other small group. Individual sponsorships are welcome as well.