A Young Boy's Faith

A Young Boy's Faith

A story from Kadathur Evening School

Minoj attends our evening school in Kadathur, Tamil Nadu. He is in the 4th grade. He has a brother that also attends the evening school. Minoj’s favorite story is Noah’s Ark. The teacher told us how he asks for that story to be told over and over again.

Minoj comes from a very strong Hindu family. His father was a drunkard who beat the boys and their mother.

Everything that Minoj is learning at the evening school, he repeats at home to his mother. Minoj started to pray for his food at home like he does at the evening school, and His mother saw him pray for any problem they had at home. This touched the mother’s heart and she was inspired to pray. She joined Minoj in praying for his father.

The mother began bringing the boys to the evening school and sitting outside to listen to the Bible stories, songs, and memory verses the children were learning.

It wasn’t long until the mother and boys were attending church on Sabbaths. First they would come once a month, then twice a month. Now, every week!

At first, they were afraid to come because the father would get angry and beat them.

Now, because of this young boy’s faith, prayers, and the evening school, the father has quit drinking and the whole family is coming to church. We praise God that another soul has been rescued from the clutches of the enemy.

If you would like to support our evening schools, it costs just $.25/day or $7/month to provide a hot meal, tutoring, and Biblical education for one child. 


What Will Prayer do Anyway?


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