A Message Just for Her
JFA India Director Israel Prasad giving a message for our India TV Ministry
Ever since Shakuntala was a child, she had been weak and sickly. She was taken to many doctors, but no one knew how to help her. Her adoptive parents were strong Hindus and they always instructed her to worship the Hindu gods and perform rituals. If she tried to please them enough, maybe they would heal her. Over time, she grew and matured, and even got married to a man named Boaz, but her health did not improve. Still she continued doing the Hindu rituals as her parents instructed.
One day she became very sick and her family did not know what to do. As they walked through their village they saw many pairs of flip flops outside the local Jehovah’s Witness meeting hall and thought many people must be there. They decided to go in and ask for prayer, but when they entered the building, only the pastor’s wife was inside.
After hearing their request, the pastor's wife promised to send her husband, also named Boaz, to pray. He came to Shakuntala's house the next day. As he was praying, Shakuntala began to behave strangely. Her tongue started to swell and rolled out of her mouth unnaturally.
She was possessed by an evil spirit, the pastor said. He put her into a room by herself and prayed for her outside the door all night. But in the morning, he came to Shakuntala’s parents and husband in defeat. He could not rid her of the evil spirit.
Shakuntala and her family were scared. What would the evil spirits do to her?
Sometime later, Shakuntala happened to find our India TV Ministry’s program and started to watch the message presented by JFA India Director Israel Prasad.
Although Israel did not know why at the time, he had been convicted during the filming of that episode to share a special and specific message. “There is someone named Ruth who is dealing with evil spirits, he said. “But know that God is powerful and He can heal you.”
As Shakuntala heard that line, she was strongly impressed that Israel’s message was for her specifically, even though her name wasn’t Ruth.
She wrote down the number at the bottom of the screen and called it when the program ended. She was so happy when Mrs. Kamala, one of the JFA Prayer Warriors, answered the phone and prayed for her. She was excited to learn about the Bible, and she agreed to spend more time with Mrs. Kamala praying and studying.
One day, as they were speaking, Shakuntala felt a heavy unseen presence press down on her so that she could not move or speak. Eventually she was able to get a few words out and Mrs. Kamala prayed for her, but for a time the disturbance grew worse.
So, Mrs. Kamala told Shakuntala that she needed to pray. She told her to say, “Go away Satan! There is victory in the Blood of Jesus.” Through the power of our Almighty Savior, the evil spirits left Shakuntala.
She decided to follow Jesus and changed her name to Ruth because of the message God had given her through Israel. She continued to study the Bible with Mrs. Kamala and decided to get baptized.
When Ruth's adopted parents saw that Mrs. Kamala was not afraid, and heard the message she shared, and witnessed the freedom that Jesus had given their daughter, they wanted to be baptized as well. So now an entire family has come into faith and freedom through our wonderful TV ministry that is spreading the Good News every day in ways we cannot measure this side of heaven.
Prayer Request:
We are very sad to say that Mrs. Kamala was recently diagnosed with stage four uterine cancer that has begun to spread. From the outside she appears to be much more healthy than she is. The doctors said that they were surprised she could even walk. They do not know how long she will live.
Mrs. Kamala is a devoted woman of prayer, and her outreach to the TV ministry viewers has helped win many people for Christ. Please pray that if it is God’s will He will perform a miracle to heal her and allow her to continue her ministry, and that He will comfort the hearts of her husband and children.
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