A Bible Worker's Passion Inspires Church Leaders

In many ways, telling someone about Adventism who is already a Christian is easy. You don't have to explain to them who Jesus is, or why we believe what the Bible says. Telling someone who has never heard of Jesus is much more difficult. 

Mamta, a Jesus for Asia Bible Worker in the Mumbai Metro Section of India, faithfully shares the Gospel in those difficult areas where there are few or no Christians. Pastor Shinde, President of the Mumbai Metro Section said, "She dares to go into areas where nobody has gone."

Mamta has worked hard in her job as a Bible Worker for two years.

She spends her days traveling between four rural villages, teaching the people about Jesus and praying with them. After doing this for some time, Mamta decided that she needed to do something more.

Through the wisdom and strength the Lord gave her, Mamta organized a five-day evangelistic series, which was held last year in one of the villages she works in.

She chose the dates, arranged the venue, and invited Pastor Shinde and other Mumbai Metro Section officers to come and speak. Once the details were finalized, she continued to work hard, praying daily for the villagers and inviting them to come to the meetings. 

Each evening, the Hindu villagers gathered to hear from the word of God. At the end of the five days, 16 precious souls accepted Jesus  as their personal Savior and were baptized in a nearby river.

We praise the Lord for each of these new Christians and for Mamta, who has worked so diligently to bring Glory to God.

Mamta and Mumbai Metro Section Leaders with the 16 baptismal candidates

Many Bible Workers have expressed the desire to hold their own evangelistic series, but the church leaders in India do not have funds to support this work on a larger scale.

Please pray for Mamta and the other Bible Workers in India as they bring the Good News of Christ's soon coming to those who have never heard. Please pray also that they will be able to hold more evangelistic series in other parts of India.

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