Meet Mar: He Was Raised from the Dead
Written by Jonalyn Martino
Mar is a Mangyan, an indigenous man from Mindoro, Philippines, who got tuberculosis. He had been taking medicine from a nearby clinic. Then his wife gave birth prematurely. A couple weeks later the baby got sick. Mar and his wife went to his father’s house, but sadly, the baby died. As they walked back to their house, it began to pour and Mar had to carry his wife back in the rain. From that time, his illness grew worse and worse. His lungs were filled with phlegm that made it difficult for him to breathe.
Tuberculosis is a common sickness among the Mangyans, and it is a prevalent cause of death in their community. The government offers free medicine for them, but they are afraid of hospitals and do not usually ask for help until it is almost too late because they believe that when you go to the hospital you die.
Pablito is a JFA Bible Worker in Mindoro, Philippines. When he found out about Mar's situation, he wanted to go and pray for him, but his wife stopped him. She said they should wait until Mar’s family asked for help because they might blame him if something went wrong. The next day, Mar’s uncle came to Pablito and asked if he could pray for his nephew.
When Pablito came to Mar’s house, he saw that Mar’s situation was hopeless. The auntie of Mar’s wife, who is a witch doctor, was trying to heal him. The auntie told Pablito she had done everything she could, but it had no effect. Pablito told her he has no power to heal Mar either; he can only depend on God. He asked her if he could pray and let God perform healing for Mar, and she said yes.
Then Pablito started to pray silently.
After he prayed, Mar coughed hard until he lost consciousness, and then he stopped breathing.
"He is already dead," His uncle said. Mar's extremities started to stiffen and his body grew cold.
Pablito was filled with hope that God would raise this man to life. He told the family that God will raise Mar again if they wholeheartedly believe in Him. Josephine, another JFA Bible Worker, came and started to sing songs.
Mar’s uncle had lost hope in him. He stripped him of his clothes to prepare his body for burial. His family started to cry. But Pablito still hoped that God would raise him up.
“If You are the true living God that can raise him from the dead, I believe You can bring him to life."
“Don’t cry,” Pablito said to Mar’s daughter, “do you want your father to come to life or not?”
Pablito asked Mar’s wife if she wanted him back.
“If you want him to come back to life, you need to believe with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength in God. Then God will surely raise him up,” Pablito said. But Mar’s wife didn’t answer.
“If you don’t answer, then we can’t do anything,” Josephine said.
Pablito and Josephine asked her repeatedly. Eventually she said yes, and she promised: “If my husband will come back to life, then all my family will follow your God. We believe that your God is a living God.”
Pablito prayed for Mar once again.
“If You are the true living God that can raise him from the dead, I believe You can bring him to life. You are the Only One who has power. I don’t have the power to do it. Only You can do it. I have faith; if it’s Your will You can raise him from the dead since You own our lives. I don’t have power, but You can raise him in order for them to see that You are God who we can turn to.” The Holy Spirit gave him confidence that God would answer his prayer.
Mar suddenly stood up and said, “I am well; I am well; I’m not sick anymore!” He saw Pablito standing in front of him.
Pablito asked what happened to him. Mar said he saw a light from above and suddenly he woke up. He felt like he just woke up from a deep sleep. He started to look for his clothes and put them back on. Then Pablito told the family to give him food and he started to eat. Pablito also reminded Mar’s wife of her promise.
Mar died at 3 p.m. and he came back to life at 5 p.m. He was dead (not breathing) for two full hours!
Mar and his family in their mountain home.
Afterward, Mar's wife kept her promise and the family started coming to church.
Pablito has prayed for others who were dead, sick, or dying.
As he prays, he always acknowledges God’s power, and his own lack of power, to heal or to raise the person, and he asks for God to be glorified in the eyes of those watching.
If Pablito senses the Holy Spirit calling him to persistently pray, he prays and asks the family to believe in God. If the family refuses to believe in God, then the Holy Spirit indicates for him to stop praying, and the person remains sick or dead. If, as in Mar’s case, the family agrees to believe in God, then the Holy Spirit gives him the confidence to pray earnestly and boldly, and the Lord does the miracle of healing the person or raising them from the dead.
We believe this is scriptural and in fulfillment of Jesus’ own words: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:1
Many people think God doesn't do miracles anymore, but stories like this – where a person was actually raised from the dead – happen even today! God has not changed, and He is still willing and able to show His power in response to simple, childlike faith.
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