Priyanka Discovers God’s love


“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. —1 Corinthians 13:4-10

Priyanka was a good Christian. She knew about Jesus and the plan of Salvation, and she went to church every Sunday, but Priyanka was missing something. She was a Christian, but she did not have love.

One day, while Priyanka was going about her business, she met two JFA Bible Workers named Ekiya and Hema. The women gave her a pamphlet and talked with her; then they asked if they could pray with her. Priyanka told them they were wasting their time, “I am a Christian. I know about Christ. Go and tell the Good News to the gentiles,” she said rudely. Ekiya and Hema were kind. They did not argue or talk back, but politely said goodbye and continued their business.

A few days later, Priyanka got terribly sick. She was taken to the hospital, and after being examined she was placed in the intensive care unit where the doctors and nurses could keep a close eye on her. While she was in the hospital, her relative, Bhavna, came to visit her. Bhavna talked to Priyanka and comforted her, but she was worried. Priyanka was not doing well at all; she was incredibly sick, and she urgently needed prayer. Bhavna told Priyanka about the Bible Workers she had met, and she asked if she could invite them to pray.

“Priyanka was ashamed to see them. She felt terrible for ignoring their prayer, and she couldn’t stand the thought of how rude she had been.”

Priyanka was embarrassed when Bhavna mentioned the Bible Workers' names. She told Bhavna how she had refused their prayer and brushed them off. Why would the ladies want to come and pray for her after she had been so impolite? Bhavna listened to the story, but she could not stand to see Priyanka in such bad condition, so she went to the Bible Workers and asked them to come and pray.

When Ekiya and Hema entered the hospital room, Priyanka was ashamed to see them. She couldn’t stand the thought of how rude she had been. But the JFA sisters were kind. They smiled at Priyanka and comforted her, and then they began to pray for her healing. Priyanka was touched that these women could have such love for her.

Ekiya and Hema returned to her hospital bed many times, and every time they prayed earnestly for her healing. As the days went on and the prayers continued, Priyanka began to feel better. Slowly, she recovered her health, and was discharged from the hospital. Priyanka was amazed at the love that the JFA Bible Workers had shown her, and when they asked her to study the Bible with them, she agreed.

At the Bible study, the ladies read 1 Corinthians 13:4-10, and 1 John 4:8, which says, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Ekiya and Hema also took Priyanka to church on Sabbath. Priyanka is thankful to God for His endless love. She thought that she had all the truth, but God taught her that she did not have love. God pursued her and instilled in her His love for others. “I thank the Lord for touching me,” she said. Praise God!

Please keep Priyanka in your prayers as she continues to discover the depths of the wonderful love of God. If you would like to support the work that Bible Workers like Ekiya and Hema are doing, please click the button below.


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